Blackstar said:You've been loving yourself a lot today havent you.
Can you blame me?
[Edit - I just found out how much I'm getting for this quarter's bonus...I'm on a self-love trip atm ]
Blackstar said:You've been loving yourself a lot today havent you.
DaveyD said:Haly
Haly said:
I was going to name you anyway as soon as I saw the thread title Wish i could make it to a Birmingham meet but no chance at the moment :/ Maybe once I move nearer though....
Good stuff have to make sure we both get to the same meet sometime soon.DaveyD said:I hopefully will be employed and mobile starting in the summer... hopefully
I forgot you Haly i'm sorry, i think you'd be great to meetHaly said:
Not sure who else although I'm sure I've forgotten some.
pheebs said:I don't think I'm a regular enough reader or poster to pick out many others! Though I would agree with what Pickers has said!
da_mic_1530 said:most of mine would be from the console lot, so
da_mic_1530 said:wydro