Positive Members Thread

I don't know why I posted again.

Oh, I may aswell list people I would want to meet while I'm here:

Arcade (that's sounds so chummy doesn't it haha)
Big Chris (I swear he's disappeared someone)
robmilller (he's probably the one guy who's posts are nearly always informative, funny, or a combination of the two, he seems to have an interest in most of the things I wish I had a better interest in :p)

Can't think of any others right at this very second and I don't want to have to think for more than a second right now.
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It's got uranium on it or whatever the hell it needs to be armour-piercing. It may be a strange concept, but I assure you I have one in my desk right now. I can stab cars and everything with it. Sometimes, when I get bored, I go and stab some cars. Oh yes. Maybe I'll stab you through a car, just to finish it off in style.
~J~ - I think we'd get on great with the northern humour, interested in the same industry and the northern humour some more.

Also, met Neon who would have been on the list, but I've already met him so he can't be. Also met DaveyD, albeit briefly, but I'll get him a pint at next LAN.
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