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Possible Radeon 390X / 390 and 380X Spec / Benchmark (do not hotlink images!!!!!!)

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The DirectX 12 API specification is stratified into three supersetting tiers, called "feature levels," that require certain hardware features for compliance. These feature levels are: 11_1, 12_0 and 12_1. Feature levels 11_1 and 12_0 contain the majority of the features gamers will depend on for improved hardware performance, including: resource binding, typed UAV, tiled resources, multi-threaded command buffer recording and explicit multi-adapter. In addition, an untiered DirectX 12 feature called "async shading," powerful for maximizing GPU throughput, is already seeing widespread use amongst console developers in other APIs. All products based on AMD's Graphics Core Next architecture are already compatible with all of these features. As the GCN architecture uniquely spans both console and PC gaming, we fully expect that developers will focus on these features to realise maximum scalability in their engines.


DX12-ready GCN Architecture already supports the key features that will make gaming better for millions. :)
That's another massive load of FUD by btarunr on TechPowerUp.

As one of the posters on TPU posted. The truth is rather different:


NVIDIA can only emulate some DX12 features, whereas GCN supports them natively .. others it can't do at all.

Sorry but you have also posted a massive load of FUD as well and yet have the cheek to tell others they are posting FUD. I just looked at that quickly and Maxwell V1 does ROV's as well as V2


You have a habit of swiping at people and you should cut that out. Not good for anyone.
DX12-ready GCN Architecture already supports the key features that will make gaming better for millions. :)

When you say "Key features", what can't GCN do?

Specifically, can GCN (all GCN) do ROVs and Conservative Rasterization?
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The DirectX 12 API specification is stratified into three supersetting tiers, called "feature levels," that require certain hardware features for compliance. These feature levels are: 11_1, 12_0 and 12_1. Feature levels 11_1 and 12_0 contain the majority of the features gamers will depend on for improved hardware performance, including: resource binding, typed UAV, tiled resources, multi-threaded command buffer recording and explicit multi-adapter. In addition, an untiered DirectX 12 feature called "async shading," powerful for maximizing GPU throughput, is already seeing widespread use amongst console developers in other APIs. All products based on AMD's Graphics Core Next architecture are already compatible with all of these features. As the GCN architecture uniquely spans both console and PC gaming, we fully expect that developers will focus on these features to realise maximum scalability in their engines.


DX12-ready GCN Architecture already supports the key features that will make gaming better for millions. :)

Thanks for the post Matt, can you clarify that GCN just supports the standard DX12 featureset or does it infact support the additional features of DX12_1?

Reading your post it seems you are saying GCN supports DX12, which is good and that it will benefit millions, which also is good, but it makes no mention of DX12_1 features of which we know there are 3 and which Maxwell supports.

Can you clarify if the current crop of GCN products we can buy this very minute support ANY of the DX12_1 features or not? if not, perhaps the newer coming GCN cards will have an updated GCN platform that can support these features? I know you cant break NDA, but any light you can shed would be great as im tired of hearing from the same people almost daily that GCN sucks because it does not support these 3 features of DX12_1, regardless of the fact it supports DX12 fully.
Well looks like gcn natively supports more direct x 12 features than maxwell. Where's Nvidia ace up thier sleve now? Lol. Also this is the wrong thread for this discussion. Shall we all move over to the correct thread for this discussion chaps?
As you say there is a lot of FUD not only on Techpowerup, but on here as well.

Please do not post up charts like that claiming they are the truth.

Here is another DirectX 12 chart which show completely different results.


We had this discussion about 100 pages ago and both me and humbug posting up charts that differed, we came to the conclusion then, that these charts cannot be believed and we should wait till DirectX 12 is actually here ad then we can see what is what.

Ok so NV found out theres two effect that GCN not or just partially support, and now they are beating the war drum on that...while their own Maxwell misses out on a few effects as well.
Ok so NV found out theres two effect that GCN not or just partially support, and now they are beating the war drum on that...while their own Maxwell misses out on a few effects as well.

This is why it's all a bit sad and should only be worried about when DX12 is in games and the features in question are used. Probably find by this point the majority of people arguing over it are using the next generation cards anyway.

Until then though let people argue over something that has zero relevance to their current gaming experience.
DirectX features and VRAM are two things Nvidia marketing machine should be careful about.

We all know about their lack of support for DirectX features in the past and we all know about 3.5 GB fiasco.

Might come back and bite them in the ass.
People need to get a grip with Maxwell and DX12 support. Put it this way, lets call Fiji/Maxwell v2 as the new gen and previous GCN/Maxwell V1/Kepler/Fermi as the last gen.

Last gen, AMD supports everything but feature level 12_1 by the looks of it, Nvidia supports only afaik 11_0, missing out on support for 11_1 and 12_0. Everything up to the new stuff Nvidia has lacks a huge amount of DX12 support that AMD has. THe new gen Nvidia added support for these features and now has pretty much one feature from 12_1 that the LAST gen AMD stuff doesn't support. However the new gen will almost certainly support it(I would guess). meaning new gen, AMD/Nvidia same DX12 support, previous gen, AMD has vastly more support for DX12 features.

Somehow Nvidia are trying to talk up Nvidia support for DX12 as higher because the latest cards(which AMD will have before DX12 launches also) have better support than AMD's last gen products... while conveniently ignoring that last gen Nvidia products have vastly less DX12 support.

11_1/12_0 are the most encompassing parts which contain the main bread and butter of DX12, GCN flat out supports these, only a few cards from Nvidia support them.

Then we could potentially talk about, well, the rumours that Nvidia pushed MS to put something extra into DX12 that only they could support to feign better support, the opposite of the dirty tricks they played with DX10/10.1 in which Nvidia lacked features so got MS to drop said features than paid dev's to remove existing support for DX10.1 in games as it provided a performance advantage for AMD that Nvidia didn't have because they missed out on some features.
People need to get a grip with Maxwell and DX12 support. Put it this way, lets call Fiji/Maxwell v2 as the new gen and previous GCN/Maxwell V1/Kepler/Fermi as the last gen.

Last gen, AMD supports everything but feature level 12_1 by the looks of it, Nvidia supports only afaik 11_0, missing out on support for 11_1 and 12_0. Everything up to the new stuff Nvidia has lacks a huge amount of DX12 support that AMD has. THe new gen Nvidia added support for these features and now has pretty much one feature from 12_1 that the LAST gen AMD stuff doesn't support. However the new gen will almost certainly support it(I would guess). meaning new gen, AMD/Nvidia same DX12 support, previous gen, AMD has vastly more support for DX12 features.

Somehow Nvidia are trying to talk up Nvidia support for DX12 as higher because the latest cards(which AMD will have before DX12 launches also) have better support than AMD's last gen products... while conveniently ignoring that last gen Nvidia products have vastly less DX12 support.

11_1/12_0 are the most encompassing parts which contain the main bread and butter of DX12, GCN flat out supports these, only a few cards from Nvidia support them.

Then we could potentially talk about, well, the rumours that Nvidia pushed MS to put something extra into DX12 that only they could support to feign better support, the opposite of the dirty tricks they played with DX10/10.1 in which Nvidia lacked features so got MS to drop said features than paid dev's to remove existing support for DX10.1 in games as it provided a performance advantage for AMD that Nvidia didn't have because they missed out on some features.

You were almost doing well there DM, then you slipped right back into ***** off NVidia mode.

As has been said lets just wait and see about DirectX 12 when it gets here, this isn't the thread for it anyway.
DX12 has as many facts known to the public as Fury X does :D

I don't care, I want it all. :) I probably won't buy the Fury X as what ive got works perfectly for me but I will probably pick one up in the members market when the next gen is due :)
I think DM is probably spot on but knowing the guy has shares in AMD always makes me question his honesty. What I do know is he seems far more knowledgeable than most on the topic.
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