humbug do you think that HBM is the sort of thing that developers will be able to code to utilise better, or do you reckon it will be down to the driver development teams.
Could this lead to a situation where the older tech is no longer optimized for just like the move from VLIW4 to GCN and NVidia's previous to Fermi. I suppose even in a similar way that tessellation is being used a lot more and the older techs that don't tessellate quit so well are lagging behind.
I think Buffer resourcing is something that can be improved by both Developers and Drivers.
I think we have got the to point now where better looking games are no longer being perused through adding more, making it bigger. I think everyone understands that mindlessly chewing up resource is no longer an option, instead efficiency is the goal now.
Lossless colour multipliers and texture compression techniques are already being done at the engine level, Anti aliasing from massively oversampling textures and pollys is a ham fisted and primitive way to reduce jaggies, it has enormous resource costs.
Take the Grass on my Test map, with 8x MSAA it would still look like something hand-drawn badly with a freshly sharpened pencil, a sea of Jaggies, using FXAA to get rid of it will look like a vaseline smeared lens, with SSAA it would look ok but be too heavy on resources.
As it is i'm using Projection Matrix Jittering applied Temporal AA (Brilliant CryTek thank you) not a jaggie in sight and uses less resources than MSAA or even FXAA, i might make a screen shot of how it looks without that ^^^^ horrible.
My point is using a different approach, an intelligent approach getting more from less is possible, and its more possible than ever with DX12, Vulkan and Mantle. getting away from 15 year old development principles has unlocked the future of software and hardware.
In long rambling way to answer your question, i think both Developers and Vendors can and will make better use of the hardware.
I'm really exited about it, this is a great time to be an enthusiast here.