*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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I've always wondered this, so might as well ask. Don't you think that having tattoos that you can't cover, decrease your chances of employability? Or are you a tattooist or something?

Oh yeah, definitely, but I don't mind, chances are they aren't jobs I'd be interested in anyway, although in this day and age you'd think that it'd be classed as a form of discrimination.

Sweet :D. I'm saving up for either my chest or to start a full sleeve I've always wanted. Are there any pictures in this thread where any more of your tattoos are on display? Also, sorry for all the questions haha :p.

Nice nice, chest hurts like a, well a lot, if you've not had anything done before I'd recommend going for the sleeve first, hurts a lot less. Nah not really, but you can see a few of them on these two:


Haters gonna hate.

Our photography is serious and not the same style that other /explorers/ come out with as evidenced on my website :)
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You're saying that exact shot hasn't been done a million times, by a million different explorers? Please. Theres only so many ways peeling paint and rusty boilers can be photographed. Breaking in to the places for the fun of it, that I can understand. Acting like a bad ass and posing in stupid photos for it on the internet, I can't. Especially when a 5 year old in a wheelchair can break most of the places you see posted up.

Dont want to derail the thread, and nothing against you personally, just a pet hate of mine :p
How else should a facial expression look when you're in a derelict hall of a mental asylum? Should we have put lipstick on, angled for MySpace and then hugged?

You're hilarious sometimes! hah.
Haha cheers for the advice! I always wanted my sleeve first so I'll probably go ahead with that for now :p.

Nice tattoos mate. Seem like a few different sorts of styles, from what I can make out anyway!

I'm gonna start looking at sleeve designs myself soon, need to get my left arm going properly. Cheers dude, good luck with yours!
Where was the asylum?

Looks rather interesting, have you done many?

O/T bur I've done 7 sites now with another friend of mine, the guy in the picture has done over 130 around the country though. It's just a Sunday morning thing for me, the rest of my time is spent doing contract work and shooting weddings and whatnot.

I think it's a thing that's misunderstood among the average person. Some people do it for the lulz, others do it to loot items of value and cause needless damage (which ruins it for everyone else) while the rest of us do it for photographic and historical value. Our reports on urbex sites cover both the history, present and future of each site covered for example.

The above is in Chichester.

It doesn't seem to be a popular topic on these forums though, shame because instead of photographing flowers and things (no offence!) you could get nice a workout urbexing on a Sunday morning, and believe me, it does work you out when exploring a big place :D
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How else should a facial expression look when you're in a derelict hall of a mental asylum? Should we have put lipstick on, angled for MySpace and then hugged?

You're hilarious sometimes! hah.

It's the stance more than anything, reminds me of a power rangers lineup.
I knew it would have been better with an earring and necklace, I knew it!
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