*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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So where is the dogtag in the picture then :p

No point only displaying the necklace and hiding the dogtag if it has so much meaning.
So where is the dogtag in the picture then :p

No point only displaying the necklace and hiding the dogtag if it has so much meaning.

It's around the chain?

I hide it because it's got nothing to do with any1 else but me and my family.

Look like a muppet with it hanging and dangling about.
So if it has nothing to do with anyone else then why did you bring it up!

This could go on.
Not many things could have instantly deflected the mickey-taking away from that 'I'm badass cause I just broke into an abandoned building' pose...

Thorpy is one of those things.

animal fetish
Not many things could have instantly deflected the mickey-taking away from that 'I'm badass cause I just broke into an abandoned building' pose...

Thorpy is one of those things.

I don't know who you've been listening to all these years but I've not seen a single person break into anywhere let alone do it myself!

Plus we are well ard innit bruv, don't mess etc.
Lol, scared of the 1-2 possible security guards you might of perhaps bumped in to? Come on. Serious business.

FYI There's more than 2 and there's active contract workers on the site demolishing other parts of the place too but more to the point, that time is not long after sunrise and the light coming through the windows in main halls is best suited for moody lighting in photos.

I would suggest not making sarcy comments such as that when you don't have much of an idea and are only assuming random guff and then looking a bit silly :p
Its in Chicester if I remember right, or near there. I do know what I'm talking about, I'm just laughing at how seriously you obviously take it. Its a tiny site with minimal security compared to others, even in the same area.. It does not require a Sunday morning dawn raid, a hood and a serious attitude.
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