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My brother and me, looking nothing alike

Can you guess what REALLY cheap alcoholic beverage that bottle is? If so :(


Flying a kite on a field trip :cool:


Aaand Carnage finally came to Manchester :D


I'm obviously too sophisticated to know such things. Besides, that kind of bottle won't fit in my handbag. :p

White Lightning has a thicker top, it extends out further and is far more domed shape. Frosty Jacks is more pointed.

I'm not sure what is worse, the fact that I'm backing up my answer or the fact that I know enough about the bottles to back them up...
Yeah, it's bloody hideous stuff. We drank so much of it when I was in 2nd year because you could get a free blow up chair with enough labels (plus £5.99 P&P). Wasn't worth it.
If you're after cheap cider, get Sainsbury's Basic. It's £1.30 or so for 2 litres, and really good. Proper cider, not white chemicals!
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