*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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I disagree. It is a rather exquisite English foulard silk tie with a beautiful blue paisley pattern on a dark yellow background. It rocks. The picture does it no justice at all.

What would you prefer, the latest 'fashionable' skinny black tie from your local high street?

You fail at style. If you were TD & H, you can pull it off. However you're short and ermm portly.
Skinny ties are pure lose.

Si it me or is that tie in actual fact some sort of speckled gold and red mess?

There is no red on it and it isn't speckled. It is a paisley pattern, like I said in the post that you quoted.

It's you.

You fail at style. If you were TD & H, you can pull it off. However you're short and ermm portly.
I'm not stylish in the slightest and don't try to be stylish. I wear what I like whether it is in or out of fashion and I couldn't give a rats ass what Tom, Dick, Harry or indeed, Bob, think.
There is no red on it and it isn't speckled. It is a paisley pattern, like I said in the post that you quoted.


that sort of pattern?

that sort of pattern?

Sort of. It's quite a bit different but the idea is the same, teardrop shapes in a contrasting colour with a design on them. You'd need to see it up close.

Why are some people so concerned about what other people are wearing and to the point were some people are being offensive? :(
Some people think that if you don't wear whatever all the other average Joes wear that you must be some sort of weirdo or homosexual. Those people are usually narrow minded losers though.

Let's all go to Next and get a 'smart' brown suit with 'pukka' brown slip on shoes with a square toe to go with our £20 pink shirt and green fat knotted tie combo pack.
Sort of. It's quite a bit different but the idea is the same, teardrop shapes in a contrasting colour with a design on them. You'd need to see it up close.

yeah, that picture looks nothing like that sort of pattern :p
This thread is seriously lacking good looks, so I feel I must break this hideous cycle!

Also, due to the recent trend of long hair, I shall disprove this theory!

Me with long hair -


Full of fail.

Without -


Full of win, i'm sure you all agree.

Shorter hair for the win, the top hairstyle is abit emo.
Some people think that if you don't wear whatever all the other average Joes wear that you must be some sort of weirdo or homosexual. Those people are usually narrow minded losers though.

Let's all go to Next and get a 'smart' brown suit with 'pukka' brown slip on shoes with a square toe to go with our £20 pink shirt and green fat knotted tie combo pack.

More for the fact that you were openly giving people advice for a shirt and tie combo in another thread. No doubt about it, regardless of what material or where it was purchased, that tie is hideous and does not go with the shirt nor the braces.

You do come across as being a bit snobby.
More for the fact that you were openly giving people advice for a shirt and tie combo in another thread. No doubt about it, regardless of what material or where it was purchased, that tie is hideous and does not go with the shirt nor the braces.
It goes very well with the braces and the shirt, however the tie does not show well in the photo. It isn't as dark as that and the pattern isn't visible in the photo.

You do come across as being a bit snobby.
I'm not a snob, I just hate cheap and common crap. I'm not English either so I don't use the word "sorry" 400 times and place 19 smileys in every post where I state my opinion or disagree with someone. Those with a jellyfied backbone seem to take offence at this and view it as snobbery. You English can't take a joke. Tough titty.

This thread isn't about me. Go back to your meagre life. I have brandy to drink, a top hat to de-fluff and I have to have a word with my butler about the state of the back seats in the Bentley.
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