*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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It's turning into myspace!

I shall deliver with my latest myspace picture :o

It goes very well with the braces and the shirt, however the tie does not show well in the photo. It isn't as dark as that and the pattern isn't visible in the photo.

I'm not a snob, I just hate cheap and common crap. I'm not English either so I don't use the word "sorry" 400 times and place 19 smileys in every post where I state my opinion or disagree with someone. Those with a jellyfied backbone seem to take offence at this and view it as snobbery. You English can't take a joke. Tough titty.

This thread isn't about me. Go back to your meagre life. I have brandy to drink, a top hat to de-fluff and I have to have a word with my butler about the state of the back seats in the Bentley.

O man you gotta love it
Don't usually do this, but as it is 2am and I am bored.... here are a few recent ones:





P.s. Yes, I know I look about 14 years old... but I still get child bus fares which is a bonus.

Your friend is prutty :)

She is indeed, we have some fun times together :cool: her friends are really hot too, I will try and find a picture of the one I am now chasing...

I get that aswell, when I started working at Argos they were like "you are too young to be working here arnt you" :rolleyes:

Meh, I work office based in an industry thriving with the more mature/older/wiser generation... meaning fresh blood is something of a rarity in my company/industry. I like making them feel old by telling them what year I was born. :D
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