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i think it will look like that. so the germans wont know whos players or AI.

have they come out saying they're going to put AI characters in the game so give a bigger scale? That would be amazing, but (and i will hold my hands up if wrong!), it seems highly unlikely to me.
have they come out saying they're going to put AI characters in the game so give a bigger scale? That would be amazing, but (and i will hold my hands up if wrong!), it seems highly unlikely to me.

They don’t usually show stuff in their trailers that doesn’t represent the game. For them to show that scale and it be nothing like that in reality doesn’t seem likely to me but I could be wrong.
Been out of gaming for a while but I've dipped back in with this lockdown. I thoroughly enjoyed SQUAD a couple of years back and I've just noticed there's a free weekend on this alongside the chapter 3 release. Downloading now :)
Chapter 3 is epic. Utah beach is fantastic as the Germans (defending) and incredibly punishing as the Americans - it's actually horrific if you have an unorganized team that lacks the coordination needed to make that map work.

Saint Mere Elgise is absolutely fantastic, although I was starting to get some very noticeable frame drops but I'm sure some further optimisations will come along. Incredibly hard to see with screen glare though! :D
Played last night for the first time in ages, got to say it's come a long way, it certainly scratches that ww2 itch of mine!
Played this during the free trial.

Really enjoyed it. Very satisfying getting kills. Love the wide array of weapons, of which the sounds and 'feel' are fantastic.

At times it feels very immersive, and other times it felt like I was playing Delta Force due to the way players move in the game.

It ran very poorly at times too.

I play Hell Let Loose, and enjoy different aspects of each game. HLL edges it for me, seems more of an all round package.
Played this during the free trial.

Really enjoyed it. Very satisfying getting kills. Love the wide array of weapons, of which the sounds and 'feel' are fantastic.

At times it feels very immersive, and other times it felt like I was playing Delta Force due to the way players move in the game.

It ran very poorly at times too.

I play Hell Let Loose, and enjoy different aspects of each game. HLL edges it for me, seems more of an all round package.

Agree with this I put a few hours into each and HLL just feels like the more fun game to play though I did have fun with PS in patches.
Enjoying the new maps but the performance is pretty rough at times, hopefully they're able to get a patch out soon to remedy the FPS drops people are having.

As for HLL, I agree it feels the more polished of the two, but I really struggled with it due to the wonky ballistics and frankly rubbish sound compared to PS - also gives me some weird motion sickness when moving forwards and strafing right/ left, like I'm running along the deck of a boat...

HLL has a completely reworked ballistics system coming with the next update which is promising, so I might give it another try.
I was hoping for a more stable release but the fps drops really grate on me. It's getting better with the patches though and hopefully the Carentan map is nice and stable.

Still better than HLL for me as I just get a more arcady feel from HLL not to mention the complete lack of comms whereas PS community servers normally have a decent level of comms.
Has anyone played this recently ?

I see an update dropped for the new version of unreal and it's broken a number of things. I've had a couple of games since the update. Only a few active servers and dwindling player numbers.... Not great tbh.
Has anyone played this recently ?

I see an update dropped for the new version of unreal and it's broken a number of things. I've had a couple of games since the update. Only a few active servers and dwindling player numbers.... Not great tbh.
I haven't played much since last year - it's one of my favourite games when everything comes together, the sound design is unreal and the immersion with a good squad is fantastic.

Unfortunately, the gap between updates is too long (which is understandable given the size of the dev team), but it's harming the game's ability to keep players interested.

Been following the update fallout on DC & Reddit - will give it a try in a few weeks once things have settled down.
I'm hoping that since the hard work of the engine upgrade is over they can knock out some quick hot fixes for all the remaining bugs. Updates should be a lot quicker once they are happy with the engine upgrade and it's running smoothly.

Not played it for a while but like Swinbag said, it's pretty damn good when it all comes together.
Oh agree with that. I'm still clinging on to it as I know it has potential.... just need a bit more from the Devs tbh. A bit more clarity wouldn't go amiss. But like you say, engine update out of the way and hopefully a real push for uodates

One thing that gets me. I like Hell Let Loose as well but my god the sound is terrible and yet no one talks about it. The directional audio is awful and dull.
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