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Post Your 3DMark2K1/2K3 results here

could you split SLI into a seperate table? personally i feel the SLI thing is a novelty and spoils the truly good scores

anyone else think same? (ive not actually entered my scores yet, there in sig ill get the futuremark links another time - but there due to change when i get a cpu that doesnt hate the cold and i can stick my mach2 on the cpu)
mrbios said:
could you split SLI into a seperate table? personally i feel the SLI thing is a novelty and spoils the truly good scores

anyone else think same?

Not really :p A faster run is, basically, a faster run. There's kudos in getting the fastest scores with *any* particular bit of hardware, but the top scores are always run with the fastest possible equipment. In this case (3dmark 03 / 05), that means dual video cards.

But a separate table can't hurt anyone. It would be a shame if the entire top 10 got filled with SLI scores, and no-one else got a look in. There's tables for current and previous generation scores, so I don't see why we shouldn't have separate single and dual video card scores.

edit - your sig is brilliant :D
Duff-Man said:
Not really :p A faster run is, basically, a faster run. There's kudos in getting the fastest scores with *any* particular bit of hardware, but the top scores are always run with the fastest possible equipment. In this case (3dmark 03 / 05), that means dual video cards.

But a separate table can't hurt anyone. It would be a shame if the entire top 10 got filled with SLI scores, and no-one else got a look in. There's tables for current and previous generation scores, so I don't see why we shouldn't have separate single and dual video card scores.

edit - your sig is brilliant :D

cheers, hamish made it for me, dont think ive seen him in ages, i lost the sig ages ago but found it today :D

i see what you mean that the top runs are with top hardware but its the only thing thats changed majorly in regards to different hardware EG normally its 1cpu, 1 mobo, ram, 1 gfx card that makes the scores 2cpus never make a difference, 2 mobo is impossible, and soon as 2 graphics cards came out it sort of pushs everyone who doesnt want to spend £600 on graphics cards out of the way :(

people like jokester who have amazing scores and put loads of effort into clocking and sometimes vmods etc all get no credit for there efforts as it where.
mrbios said:
soon as 2 graphics cards came out it sort of pushs everyone who doesnt want to spend £600 on graphics cards out of the way :(

people like jokester who have amazing scores and put loads of effort into clocking and sometimes vmods etc all get no credit for there efforts as it where.

Well, unfortunately it's just the way it is, that to get the fastest computer you have to spend a lot of money. An FX55 costs not too far shy of £600, but there's no suggestion that it should be considered differently to any other CPU.

With regard to the single card overclocking - there are people who run hardcore overclocks on a 9800pro. It's impressive in its own right to get great (relative) scores on older hardware, but it doesn't detract from the top scores out there.

Still, I'm not objecting to a separate SLI table - like I said it doesn't hurt anyone, and since most people have single cards it allows more people to get into the top 10 to show their efforts - which is a good thing.

But a few hypothetical questions: How would you consider cards that had 2 GPUs on one board, using SLI technology? Would that count in the SLI table or the single card table? What about 6600GT (or future equivalent mid-range GPU) multi-card / multi-chip solutions? What if the single card, dual chip solution cost roughly the same as the two single cards - where would it go then? Also, what about future 'dual-core' GPUs - effectively 2 GPUs on a single chip operating in 'SLI' - which table would that go in? Once you start fundamentally differentiating between the way scores are obtained, you're on something of a slipperly slope.
Duff-Man said:
But a few hypothetical questions: How would you consider cards that had 2 GPUs on one board, using SLI technology? Would that count in the SLI table or the single card table? What about 6600GT (or future equivalent mid-range GPU) multi-card / multi-chip solutions? What if the single card, dual chip solution cost roughly the same as the two single cards - where would it go then? Also, what about future 'dual-core' GPUs - effectively 2 GPUs on a single chip operating in 'SLI' - which table would that go in? Once you start fundamentally differentiating between the way scores are obtained, you're on something of a slipperly slope.

stop being confusing damnit :p

two of any gpu should be on its own table imo, 2 cards 2 gpus = SLI, SLI = own table :) im not to fussed on the whole dual core CPU thing, its just the fact that SLI seems like more of a novelty compared to dual core CPUs (arent cpus trying to catch up with gpus lately?)

cpu power i feel is a gain, sli power is an unused power gain, EG X850XT PE is a lot cheaper than SLI but still runs games at max settings with AA and AF, SLI will do the same but have power left over that wont be used until new games and game engines are out, but by that time new cards will probably be out (SLI and single)

i might just be being a moany nvidia hater though (i didnt like my 6800GT, felt to sluggish compared to my X850) ive always been all for spending silly amounts of money on components apart from when it comes to SLI

i suppose the end of the day its just a benchmark though :) (not that im changing from my opinion on seperate tables)
Yep - it's just a benchmark and I certainly don't buy video cards to run benchmarks!

The extra power of SLi isn't really wasted though - certainly not if you want to play in 1600*1200 with AA. I'm quite fussy about framerates (don't like any drops below ~40fps), so the extra graphics card has been really useful in some games. SLI has kind of spoiled me though - I used to consider 60fps+ complely smooth, but now when the framerate drops down below ~80fps I can notice the difference. And yeah - I agree that the ATI single cards are probably the better of the two this time round, all things considered.

Anyway, I guess the 'best' way around would be to have separate tables for each make of graphics card, along with an overall top 10 - but with so many different cards, and 3 different benchmarks, it's just not practical!
isnt ATI brining there own dual card tactics into play soon? i might have been dreaming but im sure id seen something about it only a few days ago

if they do bring dual cards out then i reckon a single card and dual card sections would be needed tbh :)
mrbios said:
isnt ATI brining there own dual card tactics into play soon? i might have been dreaming but im sure id seen something about it only a few days ago

if they do bring dual cards out then i reckon a single card and dual card sections would be needed tbh :)

Yep - they're supposedly introducing their 'dual-VPU' along with the r520.

I don't see why ATI bringing out dual card solutions would make any difference to the argument for or against different tables :confused:

But like I said before - I have nothing against seperate multi-chip tables.
Duff-Man said:
I don't see why ATI bringing out dual card solutions would make any difference to the argument for or against different tables :confused:

well......i suppose it doesnt, its just that i did call it an SLI table before, but maybe it should be changed to Dual GPU table so that dual ATI cards and dual gpu on 1 card (i suppose thats still SLI though) can be included in the list :)

time for bed :)
17272 and 5643

Here are my scores.



ATI X800XL - no mod, same bios
AMD 64 3000+ 939 @2.6GHZ
1GB Crucial Ballistix (2.5-2-2-7@290FSB)

As I said once I have recovered the tables I will be adding a special SLI table. As futuremark is not able to determine which machines use SLI it would help if people could mention if they are using SLI or not.

And again I need links if you want to go onto the tables.
Good points for MrBIOS & Duff-man.

I would just like to see a note about it been SLi if it is, and in an ideal world we would all give info about our clocks, but thats not important.
ricco said:
Good points for MrBIOS & Duff-man.

I would just like to see a note about it been SLi if it is, and in an ideal world we would all give info about our clocks, but thats not important.

Dave's put a note in where it's SLI in the type of graphics card column.

well people it looks like i am going to have to start again witht he tables it looks like the hdd that failed has completely screwed the data up and it keeps coming out as junk. so back to the drawing board. Time permitting I may be able to get this back up and up to date by the end of the weekend.

Sorry for any delays this may cause.
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