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Post Your 3DMark2K1/2K3 results here

hehe this is my 1st proper spec comp, my last 1 was Athlon64 3200+ , 1gb cheap ass ram and Radeon X800 pro hehe, glad i got it tho :)
Only posting my 3d mark 01 due to my Ti4400 but 13756, stock.
Stock due to old age.
Will update with new scores of all three by the weekend.
Mafioso said:
Someone help me out here,

03 - 463

05 - 199

Specs, AMD64 3200, 1GB RAM, Nvidia 6600GT

try going in to BIOS and looking what your AGP aperture size is, needs to be 128mb or more depending what size your card is mb wise :)
I'd also check that you've installed your chipset drivers and that it's set to AGP 8X

Check your 3D Mark settings - ensure that they're set to defaults (1024x768, no AA or AF). I'd also check your graphics properties to see if they're set to performance

hope thats about right, never used Aquamark before, that was on default settings
hi all sorry for the lack of updates have been busy on other projects. One in particular is that I have my very own SLI setup and after a few hours of trying to get the thing working here is my first ever SLI score:

http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=4286653 18336 :D

At a glance that now puts me in the top 10 for 3dm2k3 and i'm sure i can get even more out the rig.

So updates will be posted tmw for sure and plus my new 2k5 score.
Well i've managed to hit 4185 in 3DMark05, having problems getting it over 4200 without artifacts, but 4185 is stable... Guess i've gotta wait for some faster drivers... Come on nVidia, help me break 4200... :D
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