Post Your Daily Encounter Pics Here

Because nowhere else is really suitable...



T-Cut etc.

No pictures as the guy ran a red before i could :rolleyes: but saw a Ferrari 412 this afternoon. Fugly thing it was to!

Also caught eye of what i can only really describe as a lola of some sort, who also ran a red at the same roundabout! rich people and there toys.....
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I must have meant Anglia. :p

Thought i saw a Cortina in the rest of the album!

I spent 5 mins checking back through the pics looking out for a Cortina!

Off to the IoW this weekend for a couple of classic shows so expect spam come Tuesday! - couple from last year.



Click images for a small album.
Hi Naan, I am based in North Perth but just set up a new office on Wellington Street. Nice city and easy to get around. Some savage motors floating about with all the mining cash.
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