Post Your Daily Encounter Pics Here


:) A not worked on the edit much but snap!
No Pics (as I didn't think whipping my camera out at 70mph on the M4 was a good idea)

I saw a Lotus Carlton and a V8 Westfield go banging past me on the M4 yesterday!!

Caused a little 'sex wee' at the looks and sound of the both of them!! :)
Love the G.. my friends neighbour (a Saudi gentleman) with the G65 I posted recently has now got a white SWB G63 cab as well with a burgundy roof..In addition to hios McLaren..I prefer his 65, but I hate him all the more.

Pics next time we visit.
I missed getting a pic but saw a guy in a DMC Delorean which was a full replica of the back to the future car.

Brilliant parking..... doesnt look as bad as it was in the pic. I know the carpark is empty and at night but I think that makes his parking effort even worse!

The guy was walking back to his car when I took the pic haha.
no pics as i was driving but got over taken by a nice austin martin, was a really old one, had a black number plate with with white writing on it. Over took me and i was doing a fair bit. must have been over 100mph, sounded ace.
looking on austin;'s site i think it was one of these: or looked very similar./

Wasnt a gold one going up the M6 was it?

If so, I saw the same car yesterday and it was a DB6. Got a picture on my phone, will post up later.
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