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It was like a burnt orange, metallic. Was lush, I'm not the sort of person to photograph cars so I apologise for the ***** photo :p

Same colour as mine... Azores... when reflecting sunlight, it goes a goldy copper... in soft light it looks a matte lightly washed out dark(ish) orange and then springs to life in brighter light.

Really cool colour... suits the car perfectly.
Same colour as mine... Azores... when reflecting sunlight, it goes a goldy copper... in soft light it looks a matte lightly washed out dark(ish) orange and then springs to life in brighter light.

Really cool colour... suits the car perfectly.
It's a lovely colour and car, had a drivers permit inside so expect it'll be one of the BTCC Drivers.

Must also be fairly new to them or on lend :p
Had to look that up because it's horrifically ugly. It says on wikipedia it was made as a test by toyota to see how feasable the weird designs were commercially :D.
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