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This isn't the kind of thing i expect to see in Sainsbury's car park in Maidstone :)

I saw the driver of a Barry Astra getting a lecture by the police at the end of my road. I guess an obnoxious exhaust is just asking for it at the moment :p
Nothing special, just something slightly amusing. Had a knock on the door this morning asking if we owned a blue Vauxhall parked in the next road and if we did could we move it as they needed to get the road up for some work. We don't, so I thought nothing more of it. That was until an hour ago when I just decided to hop on the bike and nip down Sainsburys for some shopping. Guess whomever owns it didn't answer the door. :D


Maybe the problem was that they were looking for the owners of a blue Vauxhall, rather than a silver one? :p

It looks like they can still just about get it out via the pavement though. Maybe.
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Maybe the problem was that they were looking for the owners of a blue Vauxhall, rather than a silver one? :p

It looks like they can still just about get it out via the pavement though. Maybe.

There is a telegraph pole blocking it. If they needed to get out they would have to move the gravel and put some planks over the gap.
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