Post Your Daily Encounter Pics Here

I know it well :D

Im in Ashton, i remember you posting on the Punto Sports forum that you lived in Hyde and your name on here was djbenjo, didnt you also say that your mum picked that username for you?
lol no was to do with an old n64 game and some school mates ;)

That was about 2 years ago though, well remembered! Are you often at Fleet St then? I used to work at the Autoelecians opposite :)
djbenjo said:
lol no was to do with an old n64 game and some school mates ;)

That was about 2 years ago though, well remembered! Are you often at Fleet St then? I used to work at the Autoelecians opposite :)

Not anymore mate, i used to go up their all the time :) my cousin works for SW Autodesign (aka stuart wilsons near the village hotel) so i get a discount, so ill go there instead now.
Saw a Mercedes Benz Brabus D4, looked pretty smooth. totally black, nice rims, nice everything really. First time ive seen a brabus in the uk
Evo police car:


Awesome parking :


I tasty civic b16 :cool:

Will Gill said:
Dunno if this will be a good thread or not but I've been meaning to share my sights with you guys for a while, most are just nice(ish) cars and some wtfugly sheds too, so I thought maybe you guys have funny cars that you snapped with your trusty camera phones too, if you do post them here, if image hosting is a problem email them to me and I'll even host the piccies for you too gill_will (at)

here are mine to start with

London transport at its finest, BOOM the 285 goes up in smoke

first of many wtfugly cars

I keep waxing lyrical about my R5GTT's so here is one, oohh look I had hair too :*(

I still laugh everytime i see this "car"

that is one of those mad expensive uber merc (maybach I think its called)

Does that beamer have an evo8 spoiler?
Saw this very ugly hummer on the way to manchester today. It had spinners on huge wheels, and I was very :D . On a nicer car, they'd have been great.

Seen a bog standard car today with what I thought was a slightly amusing reg plate - GTA IT. Left my phone at work, so no pics I'm afraid :/
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