Dunno if this will be a good thread or not but I've been meaning to share my sights with you guys for a while, most are just nice(ish) cars and some wtfugly sheds too, so I thought maybe you guys have funny cars that you snapped with your trusty camera phones too, if you do post them here, if image hosting is a problem email them to me and I'll even host the piccies for you too gill_will (at) hotmail.com
here are mine to start with
London transport at its finest, BOOM the 285 goes up in smoke
first of many wtfugly cars
I keep waxing lyrical about my R5GTT's so here is one, oohh look I had hair too :*(
I still laugh everytime i see this "car"
that is one of those mad expensive uber merc (maybach I think its called)