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in realtion to my post on my drive earlier as found here
i was quite shocked when i saw some kind of Bently and a Ferrari come speed past me either side at what must have been around 100mph is such terrible conditions.

Also saw my first VX in the flesh on the M6, nice looking cars
i think he's referring to the fact he was banned weeks ago

and he was banned because every post he made was like that

theres having a sense of humour, and theres being a pain. He was the latter.

agreed, he is now acting like child/**** and spamming IRC and isketch etc - he must have a sad life to actually do that kinda stuff over a forum.
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these were one some kind of people carrier

Had my first glimpse of a new Nissan GTR today, looked abit gash if im honest

Well not quite the GTR you were expecting but, its a new one on me :p It has GTR badging so it must be one.
Where do I get a Veyron badge for my civic???!

I could be wrong but to me that looks like a 300ZX/fairlady.

Correct, I quite like them but not when they look like that. The front bumper had a huge opening where a large intercooler would go down a treat, sadly it was filled with nothing.
I have some pics of a nice 300ZX that used to belong to one of my dad's mates. The pics are on the laptop so next time its fired up i'll post them on here.

Infact here it is


The mondeo in the background is what he used to use to leave at the airport when he's offshore.
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