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Whilst driving past one of my local Pubs, I just had to stop and snap this beauty..... :cool:



Beautiful Car.
olv said:
WHAT!?!?!?! they are gorgeous front and back, i demand thee take more pictures now :p
I went back outside about 45 mins after the first pics, but it had gone sorry, I still say the side profile is the best :)
Nice tasteful corsa in the works carpark, note the shopping list & chrome M3 mirrors. Niiiiccceee :D


wez130 said:
maybe bri can shed some light on this one, it's from tesco in stockton ;)

Never seen that one :eek: I'll keep my eyes peeled :p
I keep forgetting to bring my camera to the works' carpark :(

Couple of Bentley GT's, Supercharged Range Rovers' and a couple of other niceeeee cars.

Was doing a bit of on-site security on Saturday night and got up close to a Bentley GT. Turns out the front grill is... PLASTIC!!! :eek:
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