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Fox, I did not intentionally, "pull up" someone's opinion to have a dig at it. I pulled it up to offer my contrasting opinion, which of course, because I'm 18 and not a regular here in Motors had to be demolished and me shamed. Right?

I'm 18, as you so rightly pointed out.

So how many cars do you think I've driven? 2? Maybe 3? You'd be right about the latter.

So tell me, how else am I supposed to form an opinion on cars, other than reading articles and reviews?

We all know how easy it is to go out and test drive every car, right? Even at your age I'm sure you'd struggle to get a test drive for some of the cars found in this thread.

So how have you formed your opinions? By doing exactly the same thing as me, so what makes you so right and me so wrong?

I genuinely would rather have the cars I stated before than a 599 - that's my opinion and my preference. It's not stupid or silly.

By all means, be my guest and buy a 599 if you have a spare £200k to spend on a car, I just know I wouldn't.

EDIT: ZG002, I know full well that the SLR is far from devoid of driving aids, it was just a car I would rather own at the £200k price point.

My dad has a 599.

You would have to be deaf, blind and physically disabled not to want to drive that car. Any other reason is just madness. I will own a car like that one day, hopefully!
Further to the R-34 I've been working on.
I won't now be rolling roading it any time soon.
The map needs looking at and it's not one of ours so it's off to Abbey Motorsport to have it looked at.
Meh :(
My dad has a 599.

You would have to be deaf, blind and physically disabled not to want to drive that car. Any other reason is just madness. I will own a car like that one day, hopefully!

I honestly don't think they look very good. I don't think Ferrari have made a good looking car in forever. FF would look good apart from the front end which ruins it.
I honestly don't think they look very good. I don't think Ferrari have made a good looking car in forever. FF would look good apart from the front end which ruins it.

Are you kidding?! they're stunning! Best looking ferrari in a long time for me, still not sure on the 458...

Going on the assumptions made in many transmission discussions and debates it would be hard to blame someone for having the misconception that front wheel is abysmal and rear wheel drive is ultimate especially with big power.

They both give a different drive, and I'd love a shot of a ff ferrari
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