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Spotted this XK-R when I nipped out to fill up during work. It looked amazing but then a C63 AMG rolled up in the bay next to me and pulled away a moment later in a wave of noise.

Such a glorious noise.

The sound of the C63 made me forget everything about the Jag until I looked at my phone just now to upload a pic of something else entirely. I don't think any other car can sound as good, as meaty and lion like as the C63.
Had this little beast turn up at work on Sunday. Not so sure on the colour but it did sound pretty sweet. Freshly imported on dealer plates & import details on the window.


Sorry for the rubbish pics, I was merely following it, but spotted this lovely old Corvette, was bombing it down the dyke too before it got stuck behind that Volvo, was very hard to keep up with in my work van :p.

Wish I had better pics, I've seen it parked before, it's in immaculate condition.


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