NeEdZ mOrE SuBs!Critque away....
He's posted some sort of indication that he actually owns it though
All you've done is waffle about having loads of expensive gear in this forum, whilst boasting you deliberately earn less than the threshold to pay tax in GD - it's no wonder people think you're a spoofer.
Laser Projector? If so how do you like it?
I could be mistaken and it’s a poorly placed inkjet
Updated pic of one corner of the room with the majority of the electronics:
The speakers have just been given replacement crossovers. The speakers were built over 25 years ago, and I assume the caps were drying/dried out. The replacement offboard crossovers are in the wooden box on the rack (one per speaker) and have made massive difference to the the low level detail.
Oh, look, no 15" subs...
My 75” Mini LED after 13 months started having flickering issues. Costco decided it was uneconomical to repair so I opted for a full refund and now have dropped back down to 65” with a C3 OLED. The picture quality is stunning really happy with it…
I’m not even sure he’s commented on expensive kit, just some mid-range subs. He also seems to believe that annoying the neighbours is more important than transparency, control, soundstage, musical detail or similar, implying that the rest of his kit is some RS budget special.