Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...

Some shots of the PX80 in evening lighting. Pretty hard getting decent shots of it, only took these quickly and didn't spend time setting my camera up for it. The colours are more vibrant in real life and obviously the lines down the screen aren't there:

Taken on SD Sky+ on Sky Sports 1


SD Sky+ on BBC One


Will try getting better pictures at night time with the lights off.
Photoshop -
How about trying to do this:
When you scroll through your movies, instead of seeing the cinema seats, you see the movie backdrops (like in Streamed) but you have them the same colour of your current skin :)
Photoshop -
How about trying to do this:
When you scroll through your movies, instead of seeing the cinema seats, you see the movie backdrops (like in Streamed) but you have them the same colour of your current skin :)

Do you mean like Moving Pictures plugin?
That would be difficult to do and it would mean modding each movie picture to suit my modded skin (giving it some type of blue overlay so it fitted in). My programming skills do not stretch that far im afraid. I managed to edit the home screen by fluke and a little luck which i expanded.

To be honest with you, im happy with the way i have got it. Its simple and minimilistic which is how i prefer it. The movie covers in the "List View" which i use are more than big enough on my 50".
Yeah like moving pictures, but like you say give each backdrop a blue/gray overlay of some sort - guess would take too long as it would have to be done individually, but would look pretty cool :)
I do think Monochrome is still one of the best skins out there.
balanced. currently being fed by Krell 280p preamp. selling off the krell gear as and when i source replacement Classe bits.

Got a CDP-102 second hand and that should come in the next few days / week, so just looking for the pre-amp now. looking forward to the touch screen goodness!:cool:

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