Post your last online conversation!

2 Jun 2004
yeah i'm bored so i thought it would be interesting to see what some of you guys have been chatting about online recently.

so post the log of your last internet conversation, be it on a messenger or IRC.

if it's a long conversation then just post a few lines or so.

here's mine, (from last night as i havnt spoken to anyone online today).

<seek> leonardo di caprio's interview on YH was painful
<seek> i almost bled from my eyes watching it
« Zaxx » Is it different from the other YH US actor interviews?
«@ dcpoor» i've only seen like two
«@ dcpoor» tom hanks and brad pitt
«@ dcpoor» one screamed morning musume
«@ dcpoor» the other talked about godzilla
« d1rge » im going on an H!P strike until krusha comes back and ace stops pretending he's maasa
<seek> this was worse than the brad pitt interview
<seek> at least that was funny
<seek> this was just painful
<seek> "what would you like to infiltrate?"
<seek> wait...
<seek> have i even seen the brad pitt interview?
<seek> i've seen the hugh jackman one
<seek> can't remember if i've seen bradd pitt
«@ dcpoor» it was for that greek war movie thing
<seek> troy? yeah i've seen that. i just forgot
<seek> cause it's like 2:40am here :)
<seek> my brane no werk
<seek> i never want to see the "leo-sama" interview again
<seek> i think my eyeballs would rebel and leave my head
«@ dcpoor» i don't understand how women fawn over him
«@ dcpoor» he's freakin weird looking, especially in recent years
«@ dcpoor» scary looking
yeah lame, but then that's irc for you.

what's yours?
Last edited:
29 Sep 2005
/edited due to the content of my conversation being TOO interesting to share with the public content of this forum.

Plus it was a wee bit naughty ;) :D
18 Jul 2006
Katie - beach partay! Says: Heya!
Ken is 2 cool Says: sup
Katie - beach partay! Says: u coming beach now?
Ken is 2 cool Says: nope got work to do
Katie - beach partay! Says: Okies bye then! =D
ken is 2 cool Says: bye :)
Katie - beach partay! Says: xxxx

hardly interesting :p
6 Oct 2004
Paul White says:
rite, I've got about 95% to get
Paul White says:
decided to wait until I passed my chat
Paul White says:
you got a head torch?
Paul White says:
I have, might be useful on the exercise
17 Apr 2003
Pete said:
is that a good tune?
Smiley Man said:
i think you'll like it
Pete said:
how much paracetemol is too much?
Pete said:
i'm eating them like skittles at the mo
Smiley Man said:
hehe a fair bit i think

what an exciting evening its been :p
Man of Honour
31 Jan 2004
bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
BritneySpears14: Aight.
bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.
BritneySpears14: Oh, I like to play dress up.
bloodninja: Me too baby.
BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.
bloodninja: I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
BritneySpears14: Hey...
bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 **** of the Infinite.
BritneySpears14: Funny I still don't see it.
bloodninja: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty **** of the Beyondness.
BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.
bloodninja: Don't **** with me bitch, I'm the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.
bloodninja: I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.
BritneySpears14: Don't ever message me again you piece of ****.
bloodninja: Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.
bloodninja: King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik's evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.
bloodninja: You still there baby? I think it's getting hard now.
bloodninja: Baby?


BritneySpears14: Ok, are you ready?
eminemBNJA: Aight, yeah I'm ready.
BritneySpears14: I like your music Em... Tee hee.
eminemBNJA: huh huh, yeah, I make it for the ladies.
BritneySpears14: Mmm, we like it a lot. Let me show you.
BritneySpears14: I take off your pants, slowly, and massage your muscular physique.
eminemBNJA: Oh I like that Baby. I put on my robe and wizard hat.
BritneySpears14: What the ****, I told you not to message me again.
eminemBNJA: Oh ****
15 Oct 2006
Killa_ken said:
Katie - beach partay! Says: Heya!
Ken is 2 cool Says: sup
Katie - beach partay! Says: u coming beach now?
Ken is 2 cool Says: nope got work to do
Katie - beach partay! Says: Okies bye then! =D
ken is 2 cool Says: bye :)
Katie - beach partay! Says: xxxx

hardly interesting :p

Damn with all that hot weather there and hot chicks :D I have no idea how you could pass that up.
3 Nov 2002
Lord_Pablo: hows the van shot coming? anything for me to see?
MasterMike: there's not much to see just now, just a load of masks
MasterMike: there's a point once i've done enough masking where it all just comes together though
Lord_Pablo: what shall i work on?
MasterMike: I reckon materials and lighting for the shot you've already animated
Lord_Pablo: kk
MasterMike: Look through Master_Zap's tutorial on his chrome plugin again, I was reading through it again. Just loads of useful little tips in it

Currently at a crucial stage on post-production for our short film :) Quite a geeky little conversation, but there you are.
30 Aug 2004
mine arnt saved (i dont think and hope) and the last convo i had was a group meeting on skype using mic's, very uninteresting stuff really
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Terrorist: Hey Scuzi, have you got that bomb for me?
Scuzi: Yeah, I posted it to you.
Terrorist: Damn you, you pwned my wife.
Scuzi: Served her right, ugly AND stupid...
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