Post your speed test

5 Dec 2006
Ping results visualised:


Surprised Virgin has most under 10ms.

Talk Talk on the other hand :p
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13 Jan 2010
Tbh I don't think you can read into that

Talk talk supply a lot of people in the sticks where you can't get virgin
That automatically favours virgin to have better ping

Also talk talk is by far the cheapest. And with no difference in service why not go for the cheapest
I very much doubt I would get better results with any isp
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Ping results visualised:

Surprised Virgin has most under 10ms.

Talk Talk on the other hand :p

BT is terrible for pings these days :| compared to what they could be due to the way so many users are routed all around the country for no good reason before getting out on the internet.

I used to be routed from mid Somerset to Reading or sometimes Bletchley Park and had like 8ms pings - now I go via Sheffield! and lucky if its 18ms.

I especially liked the first time I complained about it and they literally renamed the node from .sheffield. to .sf. and said its "fixed"...........................
14 Jan 2014
Stoke on Trent

I wonder is my current speed the worst here currently

i was with sky for a few months they bought O2 so once i had been switched over my connection dropped from 10mb to 1mb and it kept dropping out ... i gave them a couple of months just to let things settle in.... i complained and complained nothing ever happened , i spammed twitter will all the complaints they were having across twitter and facebook and posted the montage to sky via the social media sites.

i think sky is my record for email complaints sent in ,

switched to BT went from 1Mb to 12-14Mb , i had 1 problem with BT my connection dropped out like once a day . rang them up they put me through to a young engineer who did a line check and said he could see my connection dropped ... rang me up the next day to say they had made some changes ... no problems since and he rang me the following 2 Thursdays to check if my ping was ok as the change may have effected that.. problem was sorted in 1 phone call . not 30 odd like sky

2 May 2014
i was with sky for a few months they bought O2 so once i had been switched over my connection dropped from 10mb to 1mb and it kept dropping out ... i gave them a couple of months just to let things settle in.... i complained and complained nothing ever happened , i spammed twitter will all the complaints they were having across twitter and facebook and posted the montage to sky via the social media sites.

i think sky is my record for email complaints sent in ,

switched to BT went from 1Mb to 12-14Mb , i had 1 problem with BT my connection dropped out like once a day . rang them up they put me through to a young engineer who did a line check and said he could see my connection dropped ... rang me up the next day to say they had made some changes ... no problems since and he rang me the following 2 Thursdays to check if my ping was ok as the change may have effected that.. problem was sorted in 1 phone call . not 30 odd like sky



Well at somepoint this week, we are getting Sky's Fibre installed

I'm hoping there will be a significant improvement

Not really got any issues with Sky personally, this a rock stable slow speed connection - it doesn't drop or move its always the same

Fingers crossed all is well and we go to a decent speed, Ideally 15-20mb down and 5-6 up
14 Jan 2014
Stoke on Trent

Well at somepoint this week, we are getting Sky's Fibre installed

I'm hoping there will be a significant improvement

Not really got any issues with Sky personally, this a rock stable slow speed connection - it doesn't drop or move its always the same

Fingers crossed all is well and we go to a decent speed, Ideally 15-20mb down and 5-6 up

Is that the only fibre package they got ?
I really hope once your on fibre they treat you better ..
By the way dont they have a £15 a month offer on the moment or somthing
Only know this as my sisters just cancelled her SKY broadband and they offered a fibre package for £15 for the first few months or somthing
2 May 2014
Is that the only fibre package they got ?
I really hope once your on fibre they treat you better ..
By the way dont they have a £15 a month offer on the moment or somthing
Only know this as my sisters just cancelled her SKY broadband and they offered a fibre package for £15 for the first few months or somthing

Sky have been fine - its just speed we are lacking currently.

Hopefully this fibre install will help out big time.

N>b - thisis costing just £7.50 a month so no extra cost to upgrade cause of the poor speed we have currently
13 Jan 2010
Sky have been fine - its just speed we are lacking currently.

Hopefully this fibre install will help out big time.

N>b - thisis costing just £7.50 a month so no extra cost to upgrade cause of the poor speed we have currently

As I found out Fibre is a complete different beast

Yours is dire. I thought mine was

Mine usually sat at a consistent 1.5mbps down / 0. Something up
4 miles from the exchange

Now I'm 300m from the cabinet and line is capable of 65/20 - tested
This is bang on what the BT wholesale said

I'm on talk talked capped 40/2
I get 39/1.9
Thus my package is maxed out.

It took days to download a new game on steam. Days. Now it's hours
It's 20x quicker
I could get 30x quicker. It really is amazing
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