Surely it's cheaper for them to just pay out than keep paying lawyers. These costs are going to go up every time they contact them.
This is why councils are going broke. Not because they lack money, they just have idiots spending it
I wonder if its because they think they can win it because they think there's "no causality" between the second half of my claim and the pothole. They argued there was no causality for the whole claim.
As a reminder, the first garage I took my car to repaired the car but only found broken suspension links. The car was making a rattling noise so i took it to another garage (this was in like the weeks after the impact), and they found broken OSF shock absorbers. Now I know it was the near side that hit the pothole, but it seems a huge coincidence for this part to break shortly after the pothole and be unrelated, especially when the car was MOTed 2 months to the day of the accident. I always debated whether it was worth adding to the claim, in case they thought it was fraudulent. But I'm pretty sure the court could rule they are liable for say the first half of the claim rather than the second, rather than rule the whole claim inadmissible, and whilst I would like the whole money, I will settle for the broken suspension links.
That's the only reason I can think of why the council is continuing to pursue, that and they're hoping I'll give up. Though there is no incentive for me to give up as other than court fees and not getting my money back, there is no consequence for me taking the case to court whereas they will lose thousands.
Also no expert witnesses are being called so I doubt the council will have much credibility to argue that the OSF absorbers weren't damaged due to the hole, they have no more credibility in saying that than I do.
I don't know if it helps the case or not, but the first garage where I got the repair done (which didn't find the broken absorbers) shortly closed down afterwards.
Did approach the second garage, they told me not to bother due to the car's age and that there was no point in going to court.
When you consider the cost of repairing a pothole is about forty quid.....and defending this claim is probably costing the council around four grand....
In my witness statement, I have gone into significantly more detail than the particulars of the claim and made it explicitly clear that the rattling sound began immedieately after hitting the hole and thus can only be the cause.