Thanks for all the help, just currently agonising over what to do. It sounds silly I know, but am genuinely a bit flustered about this.
The way I see it i have the following options
Option A - Make the witness statement, unedited, repeating my assertions made in the particulars of case where I assert the pothole was known about for 4 years, even though I am now fairly certain this is actually a different pothole, based on a description given in the FOI data I aquired yesterday.
Option B - Make the witness statement, but preface it with a document explaining that new information has come to light and I am no longer of the belief that the defect I hit was the one I have evidence of being 140mm in depth in 2019. BUT, argue that this isn't relevant as I have GSV of the defect in august 2018 and it should have been noticed in the five years prior to my accident.
Option C - Discontinue the case. Send an N279 form, or make an offer to the solicitors, saying i will discontinue the case and make no other claim about the same defect on the condition of me facing no fees.
I see Option A as very risky as I feel like I would be lying as I am almost entirely convinced that the 2019 defect was not the one I hit, and obviously lying in court is a serious matter even if it's less serious in the civil courts, definitely unreasonable behaviour.
Option B is less risky but it undermines the particulars of case and the defence could argue that I need to amend it etc, or that there is no case to answer for and it should be thrown out.
Option C is the nuclear failsafe which I am leaning to at the moment , but it's not clear if I'd be immune from any costs.
My case is 100% legitimate and I believe I still stand a good chance of winning, but the new information has changed things and has made me uncomfortable about making a witness statement corroborating the particulars of case