In my opinion poverty is 90% down to poor lifestyle choices and people trying to live beyond their means, it can be solved but requires effort
My OH, a lifelong Labour supporter, worked @ CAB for 8 years followed by a 4/5 years for 2 national charities, and she came to the conclusion that there are many folks who, for whatever reason, just can't function in society. How high a %age that represents, I don't know
I heard a shocking story from one of her friends. She was doing a pilot scheme to help families identified at some sort of risk (I think it was a government initiative of some kind). 5 days a week she visited the same family. The routine was arrive @ 7:30, get the 2 kids out of bed, get them dressed and fed, and off to school by 8:45, and then chuck yesterday's clothes in the washing machine so the kids had clean clothes for the next day. All the while the mother was sat in the kitchen, smoking, and looking out of the window. The father was sat in his boxers and a vest on the sofa, playing on the xbox, also smoking. After that she's sit with the parents (if they were talking to each other) and try and help them plan the rest of their day in terms of shopping, cooking, cleaning, managing their money, paying their bills etc. She'd leave by 10. After 10 weeks the support stopped because nothing was changing. The parents were quite happy to let her do the kid stuff and breakfast in the morning and listen to her advice for another hour or so, but apart from that, they didn't want to change. What did they do during the day? Window and smoking for her and xbox and smoking for him. She felt like she was providing free home-help for them, while her own kids were getting themselves up, fed, and off to school without her - she thought it was only rich people who had a nanny for their kids!
How do you help people like that? Throwing more money at them is not the answer, but neither is providing massive levels of v expensive support, so you are left with muddling along as we have been for years, because there are no easy answers
[I realise this is all slightly off-topic]