well heres a nice big update on the build and its coming to a closure

but not fully finished just yet...
the mass of parts etc that were still on order started turning up bit by bit, so started installing them as i could.
To begin, my water turned up, a little more purple than expected but never the less very nice!
not long after, came the new fans and atx extension so i fitted them to the PSU
the morning after, my front panel connector turned up from spain! its very nice and allows complete functionality of the original I/O
Now because i buggered up with the fans, i purchased some new PMW fans. But i wanted them exactly the same as the original ones i put in... so i got right to work...
I started thinking about how i was going to mount the reservoir, and the solution i came up with was a block of aluminium, attached to the side of the case with 2 mounting holes. this allows easy removal of the watercooling system.
whilst i was waiting for the glue to dry, i decided to wire an LED into the rear of the resavoir and the side of the water block.
SO.... i then got to work rebuilding the computer!
Then just before i finished plugging everything back in, i thought a quick test was in order... so i plugged it into the wall and switched the plug then BANG!!!
a nice big spark and a puff of smoke came from the PSU. At this point i feared the worst as i began the thankless job of dismantling the computer again. What i had found was the heatsinks within the PSU had shorted against the frame. This tripped the house RCD and blew the fuse on the plug.
What i had discovered was that when fitting the new extension and fans, i forgot to fit the plastic shield back in place -.-
but after testing the PSU and putting it all back together, thankfully it was still fully operational!
so i got right to work on the watercooling.
It started looking fantastic, up until i started putting the liquid in... The nice spout mayhems supply does not have a very good seal around it so when squeezing, it was dripping into the case without me realising. A bit of tape to seal it soon fixed that though and i continued filling. By this time i was busy filling and starting and stopping the pump to help it push liquid through the system. Just as it was about full i noticed what i thought was a small drip.
But then i realised it was more than a drip...
I was mortified at the fact the PSU is on the bottom and all that was either in it or under it! On its side i let it stand for an hour draining as much as i could out. Now that the watercooling is in, it is even harder to get to pieces again. Never the less i fixed the leak and dried everything up and continued filling the system after having the hair dryer out on it for 15 mins or so.
This time i thought it would be a good idea to run it tilted in the bath to check for leaks
thankfully there were no more leaks but i continued to run it for a few hours in the bath.
Here is a better view of the cooling loop, i think its very nice!
And a view of the whole system with the front panel now working perfectly
Geekbench Score: 12573
Things still to come...
PSU fans arent spinning, this is a critical fix, however the computer under multiple stress tests pulls only >300W so its not getting very hot at all. This will be a difficult fix as the loop needs to be removed in one piece along with every other component again.
Another hole needs drilling in the back of the case to hold the bracket firmly, it has a little bow that i dont like
The SSD needs a mounting point ontop of the DVD drive