Power Mac Gi5 'Hackintosh'

Its quite easy, you just have to make sure you take your time and apply gentle even pressure. Also i recommend getting one of those stanley blades that you can snap off as you go as they seem to be the thinnest at 0.41mm so it doesnt bow the cpu as much when peeling the corners. Also you must try not scrach the cpu surface or go too deep that you hit the die. But as i say i was an amature at it and it wasnt hard at all really.

Dam worth it! :p

Cheers bud, will get myself one of those snap-off blade knives and go for it over the coming weeks then, thanks for the little extra push towards doing it haha :D
Has anyone had the balls to delid their CPU then? After the few weeks of running mine at 4.6 it barely hits 50
Id thought about it with my current cpu, but as it's such a poor clocker, (4.5ghz at 1.330v) it's not worth it. Id only delid a good low voltage clocker that i wanted to push higher. Not something this current chip is capable of, as the voltage increases required would be way too high.

For anyone that does delid, coollaboratory liquid pro/ultra is the paste of choice. Also, if cutting with a knife/razor. It's reccomended to cut one corner with the blade. Then use firm plastic, (takeaway container lids are ideal) to work the rest of the way round. Less chance of damaging anything.
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Id thought about it with my current cpu, but as it's such a poor clocker, (4.5ghz at 1.330v) it's not worth it. Id only delid a good low voltage clocker that i wanted to push higher. Not something this current chip is capable of, as the voltage increases required would be way too high.

For anyone that does delid, coollaboratory liquid pro/ultra is the paste of choice. Also, if cutting with a knife/razor. It's reccomended to cut one corner with the blade. Then use firm plastic, (takeaway container lids are ideal) to work the rest of the way round. Less chance of damaging anything.

well mine is 4.6 at 1.330V, not much better but i have managed to get 5ghz out of it at 1.5V stable, its just nice knowing my expensive watercooling can actually do its job now lol
Good work there.

Surprised you've got away with posting the OSX install screenie though, I posted a screenie in the OSX desktops thread from my Hackintosh and it got removed rather quickly by one of the mods.
Good work there.

Surprised you've got away with posting the OSX install screenie though, I posted a screenie in the OSX desktops thread from my Hackintosh and it got removed rather quickly by one of the mods.
The screen has a mac mini strapped to the back of it. Nothing to do with the OP's new build. Shhh. ;)
Good work there.

Surprised you've got away with posting the OSX install screenie though, I posted a screenie in the OSX desktops thread from my Hackintosh and it got removed rather quickly by one of the mods.

Another member said somthing similar, however he said that talk was not allowed, so a simple photo showing what i have done should suffice :-) a pictude speaks 100 words

The screen has a mac mini strapped to the back of it. Nothing to do with the OP's new build. Shhh. ;)

No no you have it all wrong, i have it plugged into my macbook air i have shoved between the tower and the wall hahahahaha :p

Lovely build mate well done. Risky delidding the cpu though :eek: !

Cheers mate :-) yeah i like a bit of a thrill, i was a bit wary but i simply couldnt resist!
Nicely done. Although the window is very tidy, I don't like it as it's the opposite of the intended aesthetic of a Mac case. Still, just personal opinion. Epic job though, probably the best Mac Pro case mod I've seen!

Also, check out imgur for image hosting. Much better than photosuckit
Nicely done. Although the window is very tidy, I don't like it as it's the opposite of the intended aesthetic of a Mac case. Still, just personal opinion. Epic job though, probably the best Mac Pro case mod I've seen!

Also, check out imgur for image hosting. Much better than photosuckit

Ofcourse your quite right, however if I wasn't bothered about the insides I could have thrown it together like most people have. The way mine is put together at least in my eyes is the way I would expect it to be done and the window just shows it off ^.^

Thanks for the comments and I will have to try imgur in the future :-)
Just a quick update...

I decided to get another SSD and use one for Windows and one for OS X. Initially the idea was to RAID0 them and have 300 and 200 but it's too much hassle and didn't warrant the effort. So I decided to finally come up with a mounting solution for both SSDs.

I nabbed another Vertex 4 256GB new for £136, a dual 2.5" to 3.5" adapter and a 3.5" to 5.25" adapter. My idea was to put them together and mount them above the Blu-Ray drive, but this needed an extra power socket so it needed modifying.

So here is pictures of how it went.

Here's the two SSDs and the adapters


This is the position I want it mounting to make plugging in cables easier


This is my modified power cable before and after braiding



Here are the plugs in there rough positions


I then made a single bracket that will mount the SSDs to the Blu-Ray drive


Here it is fitted


And here is the finished cable management


It's much better having a drive for each system, it's easier for updates and less risky of loosing the entire system at once. Also the internals look much tidier now the drives are mounted instead of them hanging. Hope you guys like!
Your cable management is awesome. Very nice indeed!

Cheers, there was a lot of work involved with getting it like that haha!

Forgot to mention but I died the raspberry purple mayhems to blue with their dye and now it's amazing colour!
Good god that's superb.

I've an old G5 case that I've been thinking of turning into a PC running Windows, just to annoy the Mac-lovin' friends I have... but was thinking of doing it on the cheap.

Any chance you can give me a vague idea of what the absolute basics cost involved might be for something like that? I have the PC hardware that I can fit into the case, it's just the mounting boards etc that I'm not familiar with. PM through trust would be preferred, but feel free to post the same info on this thread.
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