Practical Jokes

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
Lol, I love childish ones. I got some wet toilet paper and flung it through the upstairs bathroom window while my housemate was on the loo. It landed perfectly on his head! what a shot!

What other good ones are there? :p
Changing the auto-replace settings in MS Office to change a common word like 'the' to something like 'effyouseekay' or 'i like bum sex with big black men in womens clothes' etc etc
Grrrrr said:
Changing the auto-replace settings in MS Office to change a common word like 'the' to something like 'effyouseekay' or 'i like bum sex with big black men in womens clothes' etc etc

LOL!!!111 i gotta try that one at work :D
Cling film, stretched over the loo. :D

My favourite one, is multiple stink bombs in Marks and Spencers, during the 8am Christmas rush.
quite a funny one is to walk up to a girl and tell her to look at that aeroplane in the sky and then give her a quick punch in the ovaries so she's on the floor.

;) :D
RandomTom said:
quite a funny one is to walk up to a girl and tell her to look at that aeroplane in the sky and then give her a quick punch in the ovaries so she's on the floor.

;) :D

How to lose your crown jewels in two seconds. :eek:
RandomTom said:
quite a funny one is to walk up to a girl and tell her to look at that aeroplane in the sky and then give her a quick punch in the ovaries so she's on the floor.

;) :D

SideWinder said:
It's 'Elite', just like Chuck Norris, killing things with fire and nuking things from orbit. :rolleyes:

Man you must be in a bad mood today - you seem to be dishing out " :rolleyes: " too much..... :)
We took everything out a guys room downstairs, and re-set up his room just outside his window, so it was all a perfect copy, but the wrong side of the window :p
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