**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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They really were not. Too drab in colour palette and low res textures, there were better looking games at the time. Post apoccolyptic games don't need to look that drab cos of its setting. The new one looks the same but higher res which to me is a bit of a turn off as I've never liked fo3 gfx just the gameplay bar turn based stuff.
Acme, after reading your rant about wanting to have ownership of this thread, I really do feel like inclined to ignore your request.

I originally merged the two threads, one speculating about the announcement countdown page, and your post-announcement trailer thread. I resent the fact that you accuse the mod team of somehow favouring an OcUK staff member's thread over yours - it is really not a good idea to throw that sort of thing around unfounded, as it tends to get our backs up, and it is also juts plain impolite. The threads were merged because they were essentially talking about the same thing but had different conversations going on, nothing more.

Despite this, you do have a good point and I can see you genuinely want to contribute. I'm keen to encourage that. If you want to go ahead and make a new thread, I will close this one. I at first completely disregarded your point because of the way you went about this, so count yourself lucky you caught me in a nice mood as otherwise your point may have fallen on deaf ears :p
Sorry Zefan, I was a bit annoyed at first so posted my feelings in TIAM since it is a good place to vent at times.

Calmed down now however... :p

I didn't really have my heart in the accusation that the OcUK staff members thread was favoured, I said it because it gave some body to my ranting post. :p

I'll sort out the thread... <3
Closing this after me merging two threads made for a less than ideal OP.

Please find the Official Fallout 4 thread here.
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