**PRE-ORDER ONLY PRICE: EVGA GTX 460 *** ONLY £119.99 Inc. VAT - GTX 560 BEATER!!**

Also, the specs should be corrected soon both on this forum thread and on the OCUK sale page, but this Part Number GTX 460 (both 1361 and 1363) carry 192-bit memory and would NOT work in SLI with a 256-bit memory GTX 460.

You can see the specs for the listed card in this thread at: http://eu.evga.com/products/moreInfo.asp?pn=01G-P3-1363-KR&family=GeForce 400 Series Family&uc=EUR

Thanks very much for that info - I have a 256-bit memory GTX460.
So bang goes SLI.

Glad I found it out now!
That is a typo... No 30 Year warranty exists. 10 Years is the maximum allowed in Europe as previously mentioned.


Can you clarify if this card is 256-bit or 192-bit please? We ordered 460's, we'd expect full blown 460's, not some cut-down version.
With just a 192 bit bus width (why did EVGA make this?), I'm wondering if it IS faster than a 560.

No way could this be faster than a 560

Clock for clock a 560 is better as the silicon was updated.

Also 560's clock higher so a 560 "stock" although Nvidia dont actually specify a generic stock speed for a 560 is around 820mhz, most clock very close to 1000

no 460's get that high.

I would say (purely for arguments sake)

a 740 - 50mhz 560 would equal this 460
yeah but are you talking 560 or 560ti remember two versions of 560

my 460 MSI would do 820mhz
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A standard 560 would always be faster than a 460, maybe not at stock speed, but the 560 GPU overclocks much higher, and everything else is the same.

A GTX 560 wont struggle to reach around 950 Mhz, which you wont be able to get from a 460.
Everything else is not the same mate, the IPC on a 560 is slightly better than a 460 and the performance per watt is quite a lot better...

Even though the original GF104 incorporated many of the architectural features which were eventually incorporated into the current generation of high-end GPUs, NVIDIA still refined certain aspects to create the GF114. Much like with GF110, one of NVIDIA’s main focuses was to increase performance per watt. So once again the transistor layout was rearranged so more of the faster, higher leakage transistors were placed on the critical rendering paths instead of being used for periphery tasks. Meanwhile, the slower, low leakage transistors were placed where speed wasn’t a primary concern.

Strategically distributing the transistors in this way still allows for a small speed-up in overall rendering performance but since the GF104 was already “fine tuned” in this way, the effect won’t be as apparent as with the GF110.

Hi there

I've removed these for sale and returning to EVGA, we don't want 192-Bit cards, a GTX 460 should be 256-bit.

Sorry folks this deal is now off.
Yup, these are 192-bit newly offered by NVIDIA and are actually faster in most all situations than the 256-bit cards previously released due to the clockspeeds.
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Yup, these are 192-bit newly offered by NVIDIA and are actually faster in most all situations than the 256-bit cards previously released due to the clockspeeds.

Keep banging that drum Fella!

Kudos to Gibbo for sending these back, makes the customer (me) feel looked after
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