Well, I took the plunge and bought one. How am I adjusting coming from a U2713HM? Very difficult to give an easy answer. Using desktop there is NO comparison. The Dell absolutely owns this monitor. The colours on the Dell are tight and rich and contained where as this screens colours feel loud and artifical. Icons have no detail, pictures have a "TN Tone", I expected this though as I have switched down from 1440p to 1080p and from IPS to TN. Watching video is fine on the Benq ,still more pleasurable on the Dell but the Benq seems to handle it well. Now gaming, after all it is this monitors tagline. I have dabbled with everything from Diablo 3 to Blops 2. Not a fan in Diablo 3, I cant get the settings right to keep it dark but also keep it detailed. I have messed about with all the gamma's, tried all the XL2420T settings with no joy (remember this is just my personal taste, may be fine for others). FPS (Blops, Bioshock Infinite, BF3) I forgot about the colours, I forgot about the Gamma's and lower res, this is this monitors spinach. It just soaks it up (IMO better than my old 950D). I'm still rubbish but I feel I have a tad more style to my terrible game style due to the response time and the improved accuracy I feel 120HZ brings. Also the build quality on the Benq is superb. The Dell was built like a tank, solid and weighty. This is lighter but IMO equally as well built. The stand is nice and solid, the illumination for power is subtle, the OSD is great along with the controls. With regards to settings, out of the box is awful, am using the settings from
http://pcmonitors.info/reviews/benq-xl2420t at the mo and they feel ok. The ideal situation would be to have the 2 monitors side by side but I do not have the space and I cannot afford it. So I am trying to decide what to do at the moment. I love the Dell, the picture is superb but the difference in FPS gaming is huge (once again personal opinion). I will probably keep the Benq as I can get a good price for the Dell and as this monitor is not faulty I do not feel right in sending it back just because I am not totally impressed.
Must decide