No, I didn't. Perhaps read what I've said again? If you look at what I've been saying I've been talking about ratio, not resolution. I know that you can't make statements like "vertical height is smaller" unless you're talking about resolution. So why would I do that?You're kidding right? That's what we were arguing about, you said 21:9 made the vertical gaming space smaller than 16:9 and it wans't any use for RTS/etc, myself and others corrected you.
21:9 doesn't tell you how much vertical height you have. Neither does 16:9. You can have screens that confirm to those ratios in any height you wish.
Please stop conflating resolution with ratio. And stop putting words in my mouth that I never said.
Tell me then, how SC2 scales - I haven't played it. We will talk about resolution here because it's easier.Yes it does, hence why many SC2 players have campaigned against adding 21:9 support to that game because they consider it an unfair advantage. Other RTS players are just happy to have a better gaming experience than they did in the 16:9 days.
Comparing an ultra-wide 1080p screen (2560x1080) with a 1440p screen (2560x1440).
Does the 1440p screen show more vertical information, or does SC2 show the same amount of vertical information on both? If it's the latter I'd say that's an unfortunate way to handle scaling with a top-down RTS game.
However it is up to each developer to determine how they support various resolutions. If devs insist on locking vertical information and varying horizontal information displayed then that's pretty sad, because it stops people with large 16:9 resolutions using them to their fullest. There is no reason why a specific 21:9 resolution should show more information than a bigger 16:9 resolution. It is just the way some devs have chosen to go.
What you should be able to do is tell the game to show more in both axis when using a larger resolution. Whereas in a FPS this might give you "fish eye" syndrome, in a top-down RTS there is no such thing.
Why would you want to see more to the sides in a side-scrolling 2D game with a lot of vertical movement? Or to put it another way, why wouldn't you want to see more to the sides and more on the top and bottom?Not every game, just every game that supports it, if a game is old and so locked to 4:3 or 16:9 then it will look stretched (unless it adds black bars to the sides like SC2). However if the game supports 21:9 then pretty much every one looks/plays better in 21:9, FPS, Racing, RTS, MMORPG, MOBA, etc.
They look better, especially 2D sidescrollers/Metroidvanias because you can see further to the sides.
Again for an isometric top-down strategy game, where FOV is not a thing, you want to see as much of the area of play as possible. If the area play is square, then having a view onto that area of play which is ultra-wide doesn't really help.
Having a bigger 16:9 screen and being able to adjust the game's viewing area (dot pitch) would allow you see more in both axis, not just one.
If the game insists on showing the same vertical information regardless of resolution that is again unfortunate. It should be that the more pixels you have the more you see. Otherwise those pixels just get you more detail but the same viewing window.
In many games being able to see more to the sides is not inherently an advantage, vs being able to see more in both axis (ie, just having a bigger screen).Except playing a game on a 9:21 screen would be really weird and bad (excluding maybe Tetris or Space Invaders).
Perhaps you play a lot of games where the resolution has no bearing on the amount of the play area you can see (the viewing window).
If someone offered you the chance to see more in both axis, vs just seeing more horizontally, why would you choose to just see more horizontal?
Perhaps your answer to that will give me some idea where you're coming from.
I suspect the problem is the number of games that fix the viewing window, and display the same information say at 1920x1080 as they do at 2560x1440 (same ratio). The 1440p screen should be able to show more in both axis, instead of the the same viewing window but more detailed.
As a quick example, look at the Infinity Engine mods to allow higher resolutions.
When those games were released they were locked at 800x600 I believe. Mods allowed resolutions above this, like 1024x768 and 1280x960. At the higher resolutions you could see more of the viewing area in both axis.
This is how games should be. Instead of locking the viewing area and dictating that higher resolutions must have the same viewing area, you should be able to increase your viewing area. Of course if you didn't increase your screen size you'd have the effect of being zoomed out. But with a 34"+ 16:9 screen you aboslutely should have the choice of having a larger viewing window in both axis compared to a 19" 16:9 screen. Don't you agree?
The idea that the larger resolution should just show more detailed models is a choice that gaming devs have almost unanimously made, but to me it doesn't make much sense for RTS, RPG, etc. Going from a smaller 16:9 res to a larger 16:9 res should give the option of allowing you to see more in both directions.