The container holds '16730' units of each Mouse Pad.

For the sake of making this simple, I am assuming the mats are orientated the same way as the container, and that the container is split half and half between the two sizes of mouse mat. This means the limiting factor will be how many of the larger mats you can fit into their half.
I am also assuming that the container holds only OcUK's mousemats, as Ace has referred to it as "our container".
A standard 40 foot container has the following dimensions (according to http://www.srinternational.com/standard_containers.htm):
LxWxH: 12036mm x 2350mm x 2392mm
The measurements for the larger mat are roughly (including packaging):
LxWxH: 900mm x 450mm x 5mm
This means we can fit 6 lengthways, 5 widthways, and 478 high.
Multiply these together and you end up with a capacity in half the container for 16730 of the larger mats.

Simple! :D
bit of an odd number to order though isnt it 16730? i mean who would come up with that figure? normally when a company makes an order its a round figure for ease of stock control and such like
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