bit of an odd number to order though isnt it 16730? i mean who would come up with that figure? normally when a company makes an order its a round figure for ease of stock control and such like

Well if you're going to apply logic then I am afraid, sir, you and I are on very different wavelengths! :D
The container holds '120000' units of each Mouse Pad.

OcUK are feeling pretty optimistic if they ordered that many :p

Protip for some guys; If they are like the boogie bugs (which I assume its just a copy, no offense), they will come in tubes. One per tube, a little larger than a pringles can. I'd be very surprised if they were all just laid flat and stacked loose in a container :cool:
Protip for some guys; If they are like the boogie bugs ......a little larger than a pringles can

If pringles came in boogie tubes I would be one fat fella :D.

The tubes are quite big on an XL so once you factor in pallets and protective packaging or boxes and just void space i suspect you can kiss goodbye to half the container volume. I am probably well under with my guess but hey-ho and nevermind :p
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