Precision Simulator 10 has been released *with screenshots*

Another massive image - I'm flying with two instances of PSX running, one on my main screen and one on my second screen. I have the second one currently showing landing gear and the pedestal. I could quite easily have that set to something completely different, for example I have that showing the overhead while I'm going through the pre-startup checks.

I did, yes and I've since done another short hop over to EDDV and am now in the process of rewriting all my old PS1.x procedures for PSX. There are a lot of extra controls and I'm customising the procedures from the manual to suit my own aircraft layout. I've also bought PFPX and TOPCAT so am getting my head around those as well.
Guess what arrived in the post yesterday? :D

Felt a bit out of my depth last night so just had a play around but tonight I'll crack on with some situations and get it set up properly.

Advice welcome!
I'm away for the weekend so can't really put much in here - My first advice though is to grab the two tutorials by Brian Cowell here and go through the first one slowly. It's worth taking the time to set the panels up the way you want them and make sure you're happy with that before going further. I used this as a starting point.
Getting on fine. Had spent most of the week reading those guides but thanks for the links either way.

Currently 4.5hrs into my VHHH to EGLL route and somewhere over Southern Russia. The number 4 engine has oil pressure which has consistently been higher than all the other engines by about 25 (psi?). Seems to be fine though. Got the radio's active.

Had some turbulence a while about. Nothing but clear skies then saw the weather radar pick up some rain and clouds which we caught the edge of.

Fantastic simulation. Although I will stick to shorter journeys afterwards.

Looking forward to the descent in this flight and then trying some of the scenarios.

Quick question re PFPX. Does it have SID'S and STAR's? e.g. does it give you an idea of which ones to use when planning descents and departures?
Just a quick answer because I'm still away.

I've not gone into that detail of PFPX yet but I have made a point of buying the navdata updates for both PFPX and PSX so they're both on the same cycle (1503). It's not essential but I'm happy to have them both using the same data.
I'm doing a series of short hops, about an hour and a half each just to get back into it - I've just landed at UKLL having had to do a go-around. Oops :)
Sounds good.

I landed at EGLL last night after doing my first long haul flight from VHHH. Came in to a perfect ILS landing on 27R with real weather loaded up and I'm sure you can work out that it was a bumpy approach and landing but it felt fantastic.

It was a bit of an odd route as we came down over the north sea and then went towards Kent, picked up the Detling VOR then across to Biggin then back north to London and then west onto 27R. I found it amazing that the terrain radar picked up the high ground around Biggin. As we came down through FL040 we went into cloud and didn't come out of it until 15 or 20 seconds before we touched down.

To be fair it was all fairly straight forward so I think my next plan is to learn more about the systems e.g. How to manage the fuel in tanks, additional FMC features, how to go into a holding pattern and THEN look at some situations with bad weather, faulty systems etc.

It's a fantastic bit of software. Well worth the investment.
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