Predator movie

Personally I love it and I kinda figured it’s a bit of an iconic film only alien really stands out as an older alien horror type film, Coincidentally they are linked too
My older bro's best mate took me and my 2 mates to see it when i was just 13 (movie was a RP16 - means under 16 have to go with someone older than 16). I was worried i wouldnt get in lol. Back then and still today it's one of the best 2/3 scifi movies i've ever seen... up there with Empire Strikes Back and Aliens. The sound blew me away, especially the opening scene with the space pod firing up to Earth and getting lost in the haze, music blaring!.... and of course "them eyes!". I'm looking forward to Shane Black's "The Predator" movie next year.
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