Predators (3) is definately happening...

14 Sep 2007
"Production Weekly says that director Nimrod Antal is scheduled to beging filming Predators on September 28 at Robert Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios in Austin, Texas. Produced by Rodriguez, the new film is said to involve a very intense group of people stranded on a Predator planet discovering unspeakable horrors - that are not always from outside their group. 20th Century Fox is releasing the sci-fi action-adventure, written by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch, on July 7, 2010."

Along with the Alien prequel i'm really excited about this. No doubt people will whinge and moan, say what's the point, blah, blah, blah. However, as i've said before, i'd rather have an average new Alien / Predator movie than no Alien / Predator movie.

EDIT: 19th's the official trailer...

Some sneak peak stuff introduced by Robert Rodriguez

Sneak peak behind the scenes info on Royce...

Featurette on Edwin...

Featurette on Isabelle...

Featurette on Cuchillo...


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Here's an updated rundown of the storyline...

-The script isn't PG13, it's a 'bloody, violent, hard R script reminiscent of the original'.
-Story takes place on the Predators' homeplanet... Picture it as one big jungle from the cretaceous period.
-Opening sequence takes place with our main character, Royce, chasing down something on a rooftop. The sequence ends with him killing his prey with the Predator watching. The Predator then kidnaps him. We next see the character parashooting onto the Predator planet.
-Soon after we meet seven other characters who also parashooted onto the planet: Cuchillo, Nikolai, Isabelle, Stans, Mombasa, Hanzo, and Edwin.
-They soon realise they're prey in a game of cat and mouse and they take off on the run in the jungle. The Predator planet is a game reserve.
-A 'Black Super Predator' leads the hunting party of two other Super Predators.
-The characters eventually hook up with an American soldier called Nolan hiding in a cave. They find out that the Predators have been dropping humans into the game preserve for years.
-The script includes a cameo appearance from Arnie.

This "black super predator" thing really makes me cringe, the whole idea of calling anything a super this or super that reeks of cheapness...apart from Superman ;)
Woo hoo...first teaser is now up...

and for those incapable of watching on anything other than YT

Official trailer drops on the 18th March

I know it's posted in the fake predator trailer thread, but too many folks will miss it over there.

EDIT: I'm sure I saw Shane off the Shield in there at some point :D
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Here ya to the official trailer...;jsessionid=4cc167okrf7h2?show=hi

...and for those you love the tube...embed :D

My initial thoughts, guns are way oversized, remind me of Starship Troopers, the scene with all the targeting lasers on Adrian Brody is blatantly at the end of the movie, will put money on that. Apart from that, I have high hopes, think this could be a pleasant surprise after the AVP and AVP:R mess.
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I just hope this isn't going to be one of those dreadful Richard Rodriguez films. Does anyone know who's producing it?

Don't worry, Robert Rodriguez ;) is producing and Nimrod Antal is directing. Nimrod has a couple of semi-decent movies under his belt like Vacancy and Armored, no classics but not rubbish either!
Moving prey to your planet is just making sure you will win. They cant expect the humans to be worthy opponents when the odds are stacked against them from the start. But of course, they will be worthy opponents even if it doesnt make any sense cause its a movie, and brains must vacate premises whilst viewing.

Any difference to wealthy people going to closed off game reserves and shooting doped up lions, tigers and the like in our recent history?

Not saying this will be the case with the predators, but surely there are lazy fat cat predator businessmen, can't believe they are so advanced without any kind of commerce or economy to drive them ;)
Blasphemy, there are no fat cat predators. I know because I read the books and some of the comics.

LOL...i've also read all the books and comics and love the idea of some fat cat wealthy pred firm running hunting trips to an easy enclosed doped up game :D
Interview: 'Predators' Creators Robert Rodriguez And Nimrod Antal

A few interesting snippets in here...two things that caught my attention...

"Do your thing and make it cool and make it a Troublemaker Studios movie, you don't have to make it a Fox movie. We'll release it, but you don't have to make a Fox movie"

With Fox's track record, I think this is quite an important little statement.

Will this feel like a Predator Pandora? And did we see lady Predators in the concept art?

Rodriguez: I think some of them were just really sleek. What the idea was, and I might have mentioned this at the beginning, was that I was going to pick some art that we could talk about, and had forgotten how much art we had cranked out.

No conclusive answer, but might be some lady preds in there, don't know whether to smile or cringe!
A bit of rumour control about Predators...

•There will be no female Predators. Some concept art was made at the production before they had a proper script in place.
•He confirmed the planet is a hunting planet and not the Predator homeworld.
•The original Predator in the leaked draft has pretty much the same role in the movie.
•There is a clan war between both tribes of Predators.
•He said the Arnie cameo in an early draft was a ‘false ending’ only written in there so they could track it if the script leaked. Speaking of the leaked script, the leaked script was fake though it in-cooperates many elements. (The shooting script probably has additional dialogue here and there but it will still be the same story).
•He said the character of Nolan wasn’t written with Arnie in mind.
•The original Predator will have green blood but he doesn’t know what colour blood the new Predators will have. (In the leaked script, it was black).
•Some character changes: Edwin is a disgraced physician and Stans is on the FBI’s most wanted list.
•Predator 2, AvP and AvP Requiem are generally ignored with this movie. (That’s not to say it breaks continuity though I think the damage of continuity was already done with Requiem).

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