Personally think we'll get a repeat of last year, Max wining drivers and McLaren likely winning constructors (assuming they've made some further steps forward, which I hope this new look McLaren would have).
Would it be nice to see Lewis win? Yes. Do I think he can, no. I don't think Lando's race craft has matured enough to do what's required to win a drivers title yet and LeClerc is too error prone, personally think he'll be one of those drivers who retires as a "should have won a championship but never did" drivers, obviously a pure speculation prediction given how young he still is
but I'm old, I've watched a lot of drivers.
Would it be nice to see Lewis win? Yes. Do I think he can, no. I don't think Lando's race craft has matured enough to do what's required to win a drivers title yet and LeClerc is too error prone, personally think he'll be one of those drivers who retires as a "should have won a championship but never did" drivers, obviously a pure speculation prediction given how young he still is

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