Predict the technology in 2025

Augmented reality is the most obvious, why mess around with a mobile when you can be connected to the internet where ever you go, why have a tv when you have a full vision hd 3d display right in front of your eyes, this will replace a lot of devices, it will be small with good performance and connected to a home server or the cloud for anything more demanding, you could play games in the real world and see stuff that exists only virtually, will be the next big thing after mobile computing and the internet.
Not really. It's far to costly to produce, extremely hard to store and transport and makes no sense, if batteries are cracked, which several prototypes in the lab have achieved. Now just hope some of those prototypes make it to mass market.

By the time hydrogen was feasible for cars, electric will be the default fuel. The national grid is allready being upgraded at a sum of ~3bn a year, chargers are being rolled out etc.
EU have their road map and hydrogen isn't the fuel of choice it's electric.

Will it not get easier to produce, easier to store and transport? by definition that is advancement.

But I see the point if we eventually have Fusion power stations, technically your car would be running on it by proxy of a battery anyway, without having such a volatile fuel all over the place...
In 2025, Televisions will all be internet connected and they'll have built in cameras so you can video call people. This camera will also be used for targeted advertising... if you're sporting a five o'clock shadow, there will be adverts for Gillette Mach 8³. If you ask your partner what's for dinner, the TV's built in microphone will hear you and you'll be shown an advert for a fast food chain or supermarket. If rips or stains are detected on your sofa, there'll be an advert for a DFS limited time only sale.

Oh, and perhaps we'll have finally caught up with the South Korean television service that they have at this very moment. See some tasty food on the TV? Click on it and you'll be given a list of the nearest takeaways and restaurants that serve the same style of food and, if you'd prefer to make it yourself, it'll give you a recipe for the dish and tell you how much the ingredients will cost at the local supermarket. See a nice suit or a dress? Click on it and it'll tell you where you can buy the same item of clothing. If memory serves me right, they also have a seven day rewind/on demand feature on the majority of channels, which is integrated in to the regular on-screen TV guide. Instead of been some ***** other menu screen that stops you from being able to watch the TV.
Stuff will become fanless.

People above mention how a laptop will be way overspecced for peoples requirements. Nah I don't think so, I think they'll concentrate on effeciency. Getting todays top sepc PC to run with just heatsinks in a laptop case within 12 years and the advances in efficiency allowing even better specced machines for the avid gamers who are running around in photo-realistic worlds with life-like physics using relativity and all sorts.

That's a realistic scenario.

So how will gaming work, is it all done via streaming like quake live?

Your phone/tablet will be powerful enough to run mainstream games.

Mechanical Hard Drives will no longer be manufactured, everything will be solid state.

Windows market share will have tumbled into insignificance...

I agree regarding the mechanical hard drives but what makes you think Windows will go dodo? And be replaced by what?

Regarding some other things though, like wireless electricity, battery power cars, self driving cars, no dependence on oil, etc... I have to disagree.

Stuff like that takes decades. That's closer to 2050 than 2025.
Will it not get easier to produce, easier to store and transport? by definition that is advancement.

But I see the point if we eventually have Fusion power stations, technically your car would be running on it by proxy of a battery anyway, without having such a volatile fuel all over the place...

According to Elon Musk of Tesla Motors lithium-ion battery outperforms hydrogen fuel cells.
Sounds pretty boring / mundane and (understandably) blinkered based around evolutions of things we have today.

But, touching on the boring stuff:
-12-16GB RAM on average sounds incredibly low, for a primary computing device. System memory has increased by approx. 16-32 times since Y2K. Admittedly, there will probably(?) start to be diminishing returns so there will less demand for the same rate of increase.
-Likewise I'm not sure that a primary home system (lets assume we include network storage or whatever) would be only 5-10TB in 2025, even allowing for cloud storage probably people will have high definition video they've recorded, cache for streamed stuff etc. I suppose it all depends a bit on what alternative storage solutions are available come 2025, so you may be right.
-All laptops having SSD seems quite presumptuous that the technology won't have been superseded by something new; again, because I'm blinkered by current technology and limitations I can't think of what might replace it, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Anyway, my vision isn't so much that we'll be plugging smartphones into traditional peripherals, more that we'll have a much smaller device (say a watch) that can either universally connect to devices wherever we go, or have a backup(?) holographic display (perhaps 2025 is too soon for this), possibly a headset/glasses you wear. There will be some 'new' form of input whether that be voice commands, based on eye movements etc.
According to Elon Musk of Tesla Motors lithium-ion battery outperforms hydrogen fuel cells.

That's a very broad quote there though.

However it's difficult to predict what will happen that far in the future, so saying anything with absolutely certainty would be a very silly move to make. There's still masses of research going on into fuel cells, as well as hydrogen production/storage. While they may not be at the forefront of public and government interest at the moment, one discovery by any of the research groups working on it could completely change the outlook overnight.
batterys as we know them will be history, devices will harness external energy to give limitless use, in itself giving rise to more advanced tech
I agree regarding the mechanical hard drives but what makes you think Windows will go dodo? And be replaced by what?

Windows market share is already receding at a rate of knots.

The uptake of Unix based OSes is massive (Think OSX, Android).

If manufacturers start releasing more programs for Unix, and less for Windows, then what reason do the people have to stick to Windows?

I do hope it won't go Apple, but I do think we will see Windows computers become the minority in the next 10-15 years.
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