Predict three E3 game reveals

A new release in the F.E.A.R. series simply called F.E.A.R., that will combine what was good from the first 3 games, so the shooting mechanics from F.E.A.R. 2 and the atmosphere from F.E.A.R. 1 (haven’t played F.E.A.R. 3 yet). F.E.A.R. is a hugely popular series and a return to what made it good will be very successful. To be revealed at the PC gaming show and for release exclusively for PC at first.
A new Crysis game simply called Crysis, and I do have some evidence to back this up. Some former developers of Crysis 3 multiplayer (Crytek UK) held a dev session, after I asked them what about Crysis 4, they replied although they [Crytek UK] were not involved in a Crysis 4 EA were interested in making a Crysis 4.
Mass Effect 4
It's quite expected that there will be a new Mass Effect game, it's a popular series and there have been hints in the past.
Half lfie 3, Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3.

You said three. So I went with three threes. Which is 9. But divide that by three and you get three. HL3 confirmed. I'll get my coat...
Half lfie 3, Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3.

You said three. So I went with three threes. Which is 9. But divide that by three and you get three. HL3 confirmed. I'll get my coat...

This would be me, if that came true:

(do the the woop woop noise in your head)
Anything from Valve that is non Steam software related would be nice!

May hear about another Bioshock game along with your usual Far Cry 5 and Tomb Raider unless they already released info on that?
☐ Nothing good
☐ Boring sequels
☐ Lack of innovative ideas
☐ More Call of Duty / Battlefield milking
☑ All of the above
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