May hear about another Bioshock game...
Well, there's
So we might get some more info on that (hopefully!)
May hear about another Bioshock game...
A new release in the F.E.A.R. series simply called F.E.A.R., that will combine what was good from the first 3 games, so the shooting mechanics from F.E.A.R. 2 and the atmosphere from F.E.A.R. 1 (haven’t played F.E.A.R. 3 yet). F.E.A.R. is a hugely popular series and a return to what made it good will be very successful. To be revealed at the PC gaming show and for release exclusively for PC at first.
A new Crysis game simply called Crysis, and I do have some evidence to back this up. Some former developers of Crysis 3 multiplayer (Crytek UK) held a dev session, after I asked them what about Crysis 4, they replied although they [Crytek UK] were not involved in a Crysis 4 EA were interested in making a Crysis 4.
Mass Effect 4
It's quite expected that there will be a new Mass Effect game, it's a popular series and there have been hints in the past.
How could they make a mass effect 4 after those dire endings?