Preferred pronouns

People who find this a problem need to reevaluate their life choices. Maybe think about why they voted for Brexit and why they racially abuse sportspeople on Twitter...

They found about 4 people in the entire country who were actual British citizens posting racist abuse online, don't let facts get in the way of your stereotyping though
My pronouns are no one else's business and people can call me whatever they like.

Indeed. The way I look at it, people are free to call me and say to me whatever they like. It's up to me if and how I respond. Some people say I ignore them but they soon learn. Or go away.
I've not seen this but guess it was something started by Sam Smith?

That was the first thing that sprang to mind too when I opened this thread.

If it's not, then I don't know what the significance is. If the name at the bottom of the email is Christopher, then it's a male. If it's Christine, then it's female. I can understand why someone would use it for a more ambiguous name such as Taylor where that can be male or female. So you can either say I'm Taylor, pronoun male. Or you can say I'm Mr Taylor Smith, then Mr would imply that he is male.
It’s great

mot gives me pre warning of who to keep my mouth shut around lest I offend then or them on behalf of someone.

There’s not a chance in hell I’m going to be forced into referring to a an obvious bloke in a frock as she/her as an example. If Jim down in transport wants to be called jill that’s fine but I’m not going to be railroaded into referring to Jill as her and will just be Jill this Jill that I don’t why I should have to pander to someone else’s beliefs
Hilarious seeing people get triggered by pronouns. It's the way the world has been moving for a while now and is being normalised in work culture. Our place has added the 'Mx' pronoun to sign up forms and it has been very well received by customers.

Or does someone telling you their preference somehow hurt your masculinity because you are being dictated to? :rolleyes:
oh dear you've given you're social thoughts away with that one huh?
while it is accepted to just keep the business going and comply to standards, it does all come across a bit well... Well shall we just stop with the pretend world and grow up?
Hilarious seeing people get triggered by pronouns. It's the way the world has been moving for a while now and is being normalised in work culture. Our place has added the 'Mx' pronoun to sign up forms and it has been very well received by customers.

Or does someone telling you their preference somehow hurt your masculinity because you are being dictated to? :rolleyes:

Nah, it's just a load of ******** used to virtue signal.
Hilarious seeing people get triggered by pronouns. It's the way the world has been moving for a while now and is being normalised in work culture. Our place has added the 'Mx' pronoun to sign up forms and it has been very well received by customers.

Or does someone telling you their preference somehow hurt your masculinity because you are being dictated to? :rolleyes:

Here's a radical suggestion which I'm sure you'll get triggered by:

Perhaps you could try asking people why they don't obey your commands about how they should think rather than making up a reason and ascribing it to them.
They found about 4 people in the entire country who were actual British citizens posting racist abuse online, don't let facts get in the way of your stereotyping though

People need to realise that most such comments are coming from Americans. In the UK liberals think J.K Rowling is spouting hate speech.

I use colourful language online but on suitable 'free speech' forums and previously in all the bunch of subreddits that got nuked a long time ago.

Never privately DMed even a complaint to anyone on social media, and avoid DMs in general. Such sites that I do use are public and mostly consensual mocking / cussing of each other.

I don't use the ********* washed sites anymore (*******, facecrap, crapit).

Lol the word for icy particles that fall out of the sky is censored here.
Hilarious seeing people get triggered by pronouns. It's the way the world has been moving for a while now and is being normalised in work culture. Our place has added the 'Mx' pronoun to sign up forms and it has been very well received by customers.

Or does someone telling you their preference somehow hurt your masculinity because you are being dictated to? :rolleyes:

What in the fudge bucket is Mx?
All over our workplace. Seemed weird for about 5 minutes and carried on with our lives.

The outrage in this thread is rather predictable. Culture wars really do work.
Hilarious seeing people get triggered by pronouns. It's the way the world has been moving for a while now and is being normalised in work culture. Our place has added the 'Mx' pronoun to sign up forms and it has been very well received by customers.

Or does someone telling you their preference somehow hurt your masculinity because you are being dictated to? :rolleyes:

All the people saying the can't see an issue with this really mean they can't see an issue for themselves right now.

So I suppose narcissism is the common thread?

Let's suppose this nonsence became the enforced norm (as it already is in some areas)

Female rape victims being told in court to refer to 'her penis' when referring to their attacker.

Crime statistics rendered even more useless

Women thrown under the bus in the name of 'inclusiveness' by a bunch of woke bro's and women who haven't cottoned on yet what this all actually means in practice.
Indeed. The way I look at it, people are free to call me and say to me whatever they like. It's up to me if and how I respond. Some people say I ignore them but they soon learn. Or go away.

Sometimes it's not easy to learn new pronouns.
I'm fully with transgender issues however for 2 years I had a drummer called Aaron and one day we all got a message saying from that day she will be known as Aimee.
It was an absolute shock because Aaron was very heavily bearded and now shaven with make up and a dress on.
No problem for us but what is very hard is to change the pronoun when you're in a room discussing a new song you're learning.
Nine out of ten times we use she and her but the one time you forget she would correct us and this went on for a year.
It isn't easy when you've known somebody for years.

That was the first thing that sprang to mind too when I opened this thread.

If it's not, then I don't know what the significance is. If the name at the bottom of the email is Christopher, then it's a male. If it's Christine, then it's female. I can understand why someone would use it for a more ambiguous name such as Taylor where that can be male or female. So you can either say I'm Taylor, pronoun male. Or you can say I'm Mr Taylor Smith, then Mr would imply that he is male.

My ex Brother in Law now as a new partner who is 100% female to the eye and has the parts but is none binary so has asked to be called 'they & them'.
I will never meet her so it won't be a problem.
Obviously there are cases where people just want to use the wrong pronouns to **** people off

Is this not just a backlash against the **** who've decided they're going to be offended by whatever you say before you've even opened your mouth? If whatever I'm going to say is wrong, I might as well have some fun with it :D

What in the fudge bucket is Mx?

It's the budget line of Nvidia GeForce cards from the early 2000s, I assume the user has to specify if they are MX420 or MX440? Personally I'd use Ti instead
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