Premiership Games 14/10 **Spoilers**

30 Sep 2005
Players getting injured is somthing fans love, some keep it inside, some have a little burst of happiness, Alan Smith vs Liverpool was one to look at, football means so much to some people I rue the day a Fan cheers when a players dies on a football pitch.
30 Sep 2005
da_mic_1530 said:
sat in the uni bar 2day actually close to tears after watching the toon game, its so depressing

I was jumping for joy after the 57th minute, £75 richer, football is great, win lose or draw.

On some stella now with my winnings. The match had 3 goals plus written all over it, 1-0 ramage missed a sitter that was it, i put the bet on.

Atleast you was crying into a £1 pint rather than £2.20 pint :p
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
The whole 'pleased when players get injured' thing is a tough one. I don't wish any serious harm on opposition players, but it's sometimes a relief when one of them has to go off (for whatever reason).

As for the Cech incident, I don't think the guy meant to hurt him. He was kinda off balance and half pulling out of it from what I remember.

I think one point that is often overlooked is how the mentality of the two keepers will stand up when they return to the team - will they be so confident when going in to challenge opposition players for the ball? Will Cech have a nagging doubt in the back of his mind that he doesn't want to get clattered again? Could be interesting.
30 Nov 2004
Oop North
HangTime said:
The whole 'pleased when players get injured' thing is a tough one. I don't wish any serious harm on opposition players, but it's sometimes a relief when one of them has to go off (for whatever reason).

As for the Cech incident, I don't think the guy meant to hurt him. He was kinda off balance and half pulling out of it from what I remember.

I think one point that is often overlooked is how the mentality of the two keepers will stand up when they return to the team - will they be so confident when going in to challenge opposition players for the ball? Will Cech have a nagging doubt in the back of his mind that he doesn't want to get clattered again? Could be interesting.
Keepers are nutters. I have no doubt that as soon as they're back, they'll be right back in the thick of it. It's just what they do.
6 Oct 2003
moody said:
Pidgeley moved to Millwall in the summer (Not a loan move either). These only Hilaro and isn't he injured at the moment?

Stand corrected mate, your right. Does that mean Andy Marshall is number 2 now then?

Pidgeley was a bloody good prospect as well. I wouldn't of minded seeing him in a CL game.

8 May 2003
ducking planes near Heathrow..
My take on the Cech incident.
I think that Hunt did mean to clatter Petr Cech.
Many people are downplaying it as "one of those things" and getting worked up by JM's comments about it being dangerous/life-threatening.
Do I think Hunt went at Cech with the express intent of causing him serious/life threatening injury? No.
Do I think Hunt went into the situation thinking that he would give the Chelsea goalie a rattle -yes - definately so. First minute of the game, a through ball going nowhere that Cech was easily going to get and Hunt fired up for defending a 14 month home unbeaten record against the Champions - so he went in to rattle the Chelsea keeper.

That is intent, and that is why he must be brought up before the FA. Hunt might have thought he was only going to clatter him and rough him up a little, but that doesn't matter. He could have jumped and cleared him easily. Instead he carried on - on the sequence of photos on the Chelsea web site here:


it looks worse as it appears that he has dropped his knee into Cech's face. I can't say whether he meant to do that.
But the people in the media/papers saying that too much is being made of it are wrong - there was intent from Hunt - maybe not life threatening but clear intent - and it needs to be dealt with before someone else gets injured in a similar fashion or worse. The fact that Riley gave absolutely nothing while making Cech crawl off the field for treatment also tells me that the incident was not handled correctly by the match official(s).

The outcome in this case is that Cech is in hospital in pretty much intensive care, has had one operation and could be facing more.
One of the best goalkeepers in the world could be facing the end of his career - and with a little less luck might have died.
8 May 2003
ducking planes near Heathrow..
The severity of Cech's injury may be an accident.
But the intent of Hunt to follow his run through and clatter Cech I don't believe to be an accident.
Hunt makes no effort to pull his run up or take any avoiding action, even though its clear as daylight he will not make the ball before Cech has gathered it.
That is the intent I am talking about.

The other incredible factor in this is that Riley took no action and made a player with a serious head injury crawl off the field - completely against guidelines.
As an aside,Drogba was sent off last year at Barcelona for a challenge a hundred times lighter.
6 Jan 2003
Ripper^ said:
it was just an accident, both injuries were
Hunt made no attempt to avoid the collision. It's pretty clear he intented to "rattle" Cech. Players do it all the time, letting the opposition know that they're there. I've no doubt in my mind that he didn't mean to fracture his skull, but that's beside the point, he made the concious decision not to avoid Cech and it's clear to see that in the video. He could have jumped but didn't, he shouldn't get away scot free for that!
9 Jun 2004
Watch the vidoes of the incident and its clear, Hunt does not change the path of his run, Cech has slid into Hunt. As for saying he could/should have jumped over Cech, i don't think he could or should have done so; he is 1 step away from Cech when Cech has gathered the ball and surely he had every right to challenge for the ball untill Cech gathered it and by that time it was too late for him to jump Cech imo.
8 Mar 2006
Lost in the Midlands
Gilly said:
Martins hasn't had the impact required, though thats not really his fault. Rossi is hardly playing, Ameobi is never going to get the amount of goals required to be top level of the Prem. Newcastle's problem isn't just their defence.

It stems from a total lack of confidence in the defence though. you can see it with the midfield spending more time chaparoning our cb's than they do looking up the pitch. Then we get the ball, all the midfield are 10 metres in front of the defence & lob the ball 50 yards to ameobi/martins. Poor old Ramage covering LB, he's doing the best he can, but he's out of position badly.

Tighten that defence up & you give our midfielders time to play their own games, which in turn should open up our attackers . Of course we've been saying this for years, and then we buy another 5 midfielders... *sigh*

You're right about Rossi like. Ameobi should be off for his operation, and Rossi/Martins starting with unLuque on the bench
Man of Honour
19 Nov 2002
Over land and sea.
Gutted for Cech, I hope he'll be able to play again:(
CC is a very, very good replacement, but even he is not in Cech's class, particularly on crosses.
The Nacional coach reckons Hilario is a better keeper than CC and will do a good job in the meantime & Sam Allardyce has offered us a keeper on loan too.
12 Jun 2005
That's sad news. :( I hope he fully recovers from this because he'll now always have the thought at the back of his head that a second blow to his head could be fatal. I still can't believe O'Riley made him crawl of the pitch. :eek: He should be punished as he knew it was a head injury. Personally I think there was intent from Hunt's side but not to fracture his skull. He was clumsy and should have jumped over him like I see players jumping over keepers in nearly every single game.
8 May 2003
ducking planes near Heathrow..
Hunt's decision time wasn't when he was 1 step away - it was about half a metre back.
I'm pretty sure he knew he wasn't going to get the ball but carried on anyway.
If you look at the second clip on YouTube, it's clear that Cech is close to the ball and gathering it up while Hunt is a distance away - Hunt could quite easily, if he was of a mind to, have altered his intent.
He didn't.
Please remember that I am not trying to say that Hunt clearly went into it to cause serious harm to Cech - only Hunt knows that and to be fair he does not have a terrible reputation.
Like I said, I think he wanted to rattle Cech at an early stage.
What I am most dissappointed is that there was no censure of the player by the referee at the time - probably because it was the first minute of the match and he didn't want to "spoil it", and that Riley made C ech crawl off to get treatment.
Riley also failed to halt play when Carlo went down from Sonko's challenge - until the ball had been played upfield from the Drogba clearance. The keeper goes down like a sack of spuds - he's unconscious and the ref fails to halt play. Can you imagine the scenes if that goal line clearance had been missed?
Riley needs a long holiday from reffing.
1 Sep 2004

can't belive av never heard this been said at a game, but i found this really funny.

we just generally call him an assortment of four letter words put together.

i hope GR doesn't come under pressure cause of our crap defence. I can't really see who we would buy other then Lucas neill, what defenders are about that will come on the market in jan?
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