Premium Bonds - If you post to say how much you've won, please also say how much you have invested.

Just checked and won £100 in November, woo hoo! Nothing This month though (yet).

Got a bit over £9k in at the moment. I am going to have a sit down this month and look at what other accounts are around now interest rates are up though, so possibly be taking most of that out soon. Or maybe just some and putting it in my S&S ISA, we shall see.
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I take it if not told of a win by now it’s too late and have in fact won £0?
Looking at my history it looks like they can take up to 5 working days to let you know, although mostly seems to be within 3 days. So might not have heard yet.
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If you do not check it yourself with NSI prize checker it takes about 7 days for them to email you.

This month Nowt ! good job I didn't hold my breath.
Nothing for past 3 months. I haven't won since I withdrew a big chunk of the money I had in there to buy my house.

For me its still worth keeping it in for the chance of winning a bigger prize compared to the paltry interest you get on a normal savings account.
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No win for me this month. Looking at the results someone who has £600 of bonds since 2008 just won £100k. Not a bad return, even over 14 years ;).
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Looks like there is hope for a win yet.
NS&I have upped the pot to 3.15% equal to £15m extra on prize fund - Starts next month :D

Not sure it's true as it's in DM
Correction 3.15% not 3.5% as I stated. - Yesterdays eye injection still itches.:rolleyes:
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Forgot about this, just put another £50 in totalling £200. Gotta be in it to win it.
I used to use premium bonds as a pot for holding my capital gains tax (for a while I was fortunate enough to have big tax bills). With £50k invested I think I was pretty lucky, mostly averaged over the advised return at the time (~1.7% from memory). Since 2019 I have only had 100 bonds and not won a thing, however if my maths serves me correct at the current return on average luck I should win something in the next 4 years :).
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