Premium Bonds - If you post to say how much you've won, please also say how much you have invested.

My friend recently bought PBs.

No email notification of win but when she checked online earlier she had won £50 this month....dont they send you an email of a win?

She chose paperless for the account and wins to go into current account.
I get emails about payments, which tend to be a couple of days later.
No email about wins, I see this thread and log in.
Was the draw results today was it

I deposited end of may have £43,200, let me check if i have won anything today


Yay £150 winnings this morning, so now up to £43,350

that kind of makes up for not winning last month

£475 winnings in the last year
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Nothing as usual, but I've only got £3k in there.

Am thinking I'd do better with a guaranteed 3-4% return in a savings account with so little in PB's
Its whether you value the £120 a year interest you'd get from £3k at 4%, compared to the volatility of PB but the chance of a bigger prize. You'd only need one £100 win, or a few £25's and you've got close to the return anyway. My missus has had a £100 and a £50 off £5k invested in the past year, so its possible.

I think the maths of PBs is that the median return is lower than you get from a fixed rate savings account, but of course there is a chance of winning something bigger.

For me, I'd be considering switching at maybe 6%, but then I'd also be expecting PBs to lift their rates if the market as a whole would be increasing.
Nothing as usual, but I've only got £3k in there.

Am thinking I'd do better with a guaranteed 3-4% return in a savings account with so little in PB's
In the 1950s I accumulated 5 one pound PB -In early 90's I had a £50 win with one of them- That got me on the long road of putting any spare back pocket change into PBs - by mid to end of 90's was the hayday for prizes - I didn't have the max but we were winning every month and good wins at that - I am only talking hundreds but we did get one £1k and a few £500s.
Today is so different with low interest rates and millions more people buying PB which decreases your odds.
Today is so different with low interest rates and millions more people buying PB which decreases your odds.

This is somewhat misleading I think.

More people buying means the pot of winnings increases. The pot is the return rate x the amount invested, so as more people buy more the pot increases.
The return rate is based heavily although not specifically on the bank base rate.
As the bank base rate goes up and down typically the premium bond return rate follows.

What can make that slightly less linked is that they sometimes change the distribution. Recently they increased the return rate, but pumped the high and medium wins up quite a lot. They left the million wins the same.
They are I believe trying to keep the actual number of wins somewhat flat but the average per win in that case will increase.

The point of reaching just under the return rate with a high confidence level is (or was) somewhere between £25-30k, You have enough chances to win that excluding the very large wins you should fall just short of the headline rate.
If your significantly below this level your return can be highly variable.
No it doesn’t. The odds remain the same.
What about if I sold all my PBs and then rebought? You know statistically more people win who have purchased in the last 10 years?

Also, how does maths work?
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