Premium Bonds - If you post to say how much you've won, please also say how much you have invested.

I keep seeing this thread pop up, my parents had a premium bond in my name.

But I've registered as a new account holder. Will this be an issue?
Had in your name as in past tense or had and still has premium bonds in your name?
My folks had some in my name when I was a kid but they cashed it out long before I was 18 so there was no issue when I got ones in my name.
Had in your name as in past tense or had and still has premium bonds in your name?
My folks had some in my name when I was a kid but they cashed it out long before I was 18 so there was no issue when I got ones in my name.
It could still be active, but I'm not sure exactly. I might chase it up for me and family members just to confirm that fact.

I just set up a new account and added some funds to it. If that doesn't cause any issues then great
It could still be active, but I'm not sure exactly. I might chase it up for me and family members just to confirm that fact.

I just set up a new account and added some funds to it. If that doesn't cause any issues then great
It won't cause you any issues. I bought 50k's worth, and then had £25 refunded to my bank a few weeks later and a £25 premium bond number assigned to me which I didn't know I had.

Found this recently from 1961 and based on the stamp I assume it would have been my mums, found a historic checker that goes back to 1957 and no prizes unfortunately. :cry: Although I would imagine that it has already been cashed in many years ago and paper bond was not disposed of. No idea!
I checked a few of those when my gran died. No prizes at the time. No idea what happened to them after that. I didn't really understand what they were at the time.
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There are some unclaimed bond numbers which start 3AZ085....


only £25 & £50 prizes so don't get too excited if they match. :)
I remember those £1 bonds - Mom and Dad set up a syndicate in 1958 and we (and school staff ) all paid in half a crown each week and every one had a bond for each pound collected - I ended up with 5 and my first one was AK345801 (cashed in years ago) -by the way half a crown is one eighth of a pound so about 12-13p if my math is right.

About 35yrs later I had a letter from DSS saying if I lived in a address in Brum to check my bonds and found one of my £1 bond had won £50 - From then on we started to buy bond in small numbers and had a few more wins then a few years later I moved job in company and worked 6 days a week and OT some evenings so couldn't get to spend my money (No Ebay then) so put a lot more money in bonds. This carried on over the years till we both had the max. (wife worked full time as well) - We did cash in all the small number of bonds and bought large blocks.
I keep a Excell sheet with all the winning numbers and prizes listed and over all those years it comes out with a average return of £1k per year over the last 30 yrs.. Not mega bucks by any means.

Highest prize we had was 1x £1k. - So it's all been small wins. Yes we could have put it in a savings account and got a better return and I could have got 6% at one point. That's now water under the bridge so no good worrying about it.
I've decided to join in...:D

Big spender, moi.

Wonder if you will win £25 next month.. then £50 the following month


I think I have asked this question before to try and figure out algorithm .I usually purchase as soon as I'm paid..

Wondering if by rather than purchasing a specific sum on one transaction, purchase the same total amount but in multiple smaller transactions, will it make a difference ?
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Wonder if you will win £25 next month.. then £50 the following month


I think I have asked this question before to try and figure out algorithm .I usually purchase as soon as I'm paid..

Wondering if by rather than purchasing a specific sum on one transaction, purchase the same total amount but in multiple smaller transactions, will it make a difference ?

If @Raymond Lin bought them yesterday then he won't be winning anything until July.*

* Unless the rules have changed about needing to hold them for a full month before being eligible for the draw.
Wonder if you will win £25 next month.. then £50 the following month


I think I have asked this question before to try and figure out algorithm .I usually purchase as soon as I'm paid..

Wondering if by rather than purchasing a specific sum on one transaction, purchase the same total amount but in multiple smaller transactions, will it make a difference ?
It's been cleared up several times before. People use statistics to prove a point that is wrong (more winners bought since 2008 or something versus prior) but that's just because more tickets were sold. The individual likelihood of a ticket winning is identical for everyone, no matter when or how purchased.
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