Premium Bonds - If you post to say how much you've won, please also say how much you have invested.

Just £25 quid for me this month, worst this year by a long shot but at 4.15% for the year so far so can't really complain too much :)
I'm not cashing mine in. I like standing on the table and declaring that I'm so rich the government borrows money from me and if everyone wants to know where their tax money goes it's here *holds up a wad of tenners* (that in reality I printed off using my colour laser).
£150 for me this month on 47k

Is there a handy website for letting you know your interest rate based on winnings, or are you all calculating it the manual way :D
I just do total winnings from january / holding amount * 100.
I'm about 3% at this point through the year.
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